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New 10* Bai Kai Insects
Its actually meant, like you said, Koonie. It's not giving guard to your allies but it's just giving some sort of damage reduction.

I was thinking about protect aswell, maybe increase the damage it "Soaks" but, not only for soldiers. And I was hesistant to say protect considering how great it has worked in the past as a skill and almost no one picked it up, simply cause most people use autohits anyway. Thats why I thought a general reduction, aslong as they stay in the tiles around the Guarded (maybe something akin to a "Formation tile" with that level (half users guard) for aslong as the user is guarding and not KD/Guard broken.) I generally had some sort of magical forcefield in mind, but eh! It can also be a protect extension. I just wanted to have something in the game thats really useful for tanking for your team/bodyguard stuff. The only other shield that has something like that is magentic shield. Which I love, but its also rarely sees the light of the day, unfortunately.

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