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Stat cap for buffs discussion.
Recently I have been trying to play around with the idea of an Berserker type of character, so I figured a Lupine would be good from IC stand point.
However I quickly started to run into problems, that actually made that idea really contra productive. Lupines instinct is already inferior to it's felidae counterpart, but when I tried to combine it with something like Ki Awoken I noticed that I can't even fully benefit from it, even when I built SAN to get some use of the instinct. To compensate I figured "Hey why not use one of those highly underrated Muscle enhancers!", which I figured out weren't underrated at all cause it gave me exactly 0 strength in that set up. So my conclusion? Having San on a Lupine was worse than I even thought it was(for this set up atleast).

+20 stats are pretty quickly reached with all the different buffs we have in the game, +20 stats is also mostly a relict from pre GR. so I'd argue that either:
Quote:1.)Raise the general stat cap a tiny bit to like 30ish, with diminishing returns it's not even that terrible anymore as it used to be where stats were flat boni to damage/defenses.

2.) Items like Muscle Enhancer should ignore the cap completely. They are one time use items and the big ones cost whooping 5M to even chug down. They SHOULD be good. not to mention that there are serval buff removers in the game, to even counter that. like the new magic stone aswell.

3.)Instincts that grant stats, should grant these stats to the base stat, or at the very least not count to the general buff cap in general.

Items and Instincts should at the very least not count to the buff cap, it kinda defeats the point building SAN on them.

1.) doesn't have to happen, but I was thinking about stuff like Worgpelt armor, which is already so niche and seems to have a "revenge" type of theme in mind, but with a max of 20 str buff (that it even shares with other buffs.) even after suffering 800 darkness damage, you ain't really going to revenge strike much with it. not even with 30.

There are many things like that, that make support playing not worth it either, like curates strength buff skill, when the person is basically at it's +stat cap anyway. So there are serval things I think, shouldn't fall under this cap atall.

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