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Trait Rework
Part two. Part three should be out sooner than this one was.


Fasting Vampire
Req: Vampire
You have sworn off consuming essence as much as possible. Sets your essence to 0, negates the effects of Sanguine Crest and Stillness Darkness, and any bonus damage taken from Holy. Gaining Essence in any way removes this trait, and if it was gained in a battle, you are stunned and inflicted with a status called Feeding Frenzy, disabling the use of all skills for that battle except for Movement and Banquet until your Essence is at least 100 at the start of a round.

Req: Vampire, Fasting Vampire Trait
Despite your rejection of essence, you can still utilize some vampire power limitedly. Silvermists no longer requires essence to use (and is treated as if 30 Essence was consumed), but gains a 5 round cooldown. Removed if Fasting Vampire is.

Arcane Tattoo (Barrier)
Req: Race With Natural Skin
-1% max HP. At the start of each battle, consumes 5 FP and grants a barrier that reduces the first instance of damage taken by 50%.

Chronicling Cabal Memory
Req: Cabal-type Mechanation
Mech Type Trait (only 1 can be selected). The special memory function of the cabal makes it more capable of memorizing spells than even master magicians. For each accessory equipment slot that you have empty, the Skill Pool cost of Spells is reduced by 0.5.

Unchained Wings
Req: Hyattr
You refuse to be tied down by your foes. Using Dragon Hover while you are Restrained by or Restraining an enemy causes both of you to become Airborne, and breaks the restrain effect. If you are the one being restrained, however, the cost of Dragon Hover increases to 3M.

Pure Instinct
Req: Kaelensia Race with Instinct Skill
Your primal instincts come out a lot easier than others. Instinct skill effects that activate at certain HP percentages activate at 25% higher HP than they say (IE, 50% HP or less becomes 75% HP or less). Fear of Death (where you are inflicted with Fear by enemies who damage you while you are at 15% HP or less) is also affected somewhat, making it apply at 25% HP or less instead.

Req: 20 Skill
You're quite good with your hands, something your allies can appreciate. Once per in-game day, in the Companions panel, you can give a Youkai ally a massage. This massage gives them EXP equal to X% of the total EXP they need to level up (X = your SKI), and also increases their Friendship with you.

Req: None
You love eating food and get more enjoyment out of it than normal people. Improves the HP regen, FP regen, and duration of foods with a total HP+FP Regen of 30 or more by 5 each.

Keen Eyes
Req: Corbie
Your keen sense of sight tends to catch things others may miss. When you dig a hole, there's a chance you may find a small amount of Murai in the dirt. Furthermore, your success rate when spotting traps is increased by 10%.

Thin Claws
Req: Shaitan
The carapace that covers your arms is thin enough to not interfere, which also makes them less uniquely useful. Negates the effects of Dark Claws.

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