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Trait Rework
Trait Batch 7 will be up shortly after this post goes up. We're getting close to the end, with only about 2 dozen more traits unadded.


Sentimentality (Weapon)
Req: None
You are very fond of your weapon; you take care of it to an almost strange degree. Using the same weapon in your main hand grants bonus effects the more battles you take it into, including +1 Power, Critical, Hit, +5 maximum durability, 25% bonus EXP towards its Potential unlock, and 5% durability usage reduction. At 100 battles, all of these benefits are doubled. (Each bonus unlocks after a certain number of battles; if you end a battle with a different main hand weapon equipped, all benefits will RESET!)

Spiritual Sensitivity
Req: None
You have always been able to feel the light touch of the spirit realm. If you enter battle with an enemy who is possessed by spirits, you will be able to detect it. Against Possessed and Ghost enemies, you gain +10 Status Infliction as you can more easily influence them, but also -10 Status Resistance due to your sensitivity. You will also be able to see spirits regardless of your Spiritualism ranks.

Disaster Potential
Req: Hyattr, 15 Sanctity
You have developed your dragonic powers and can channel them for longer. Increases the duration of your Magic Energy and Destruction Energy statuses by your Capacity talent's Depth subrank (but they still expire when you use Fire Breath). For Channel Magic, boosts your FP Recovery by your Capacity talent's Absorption subrank.

Disaster Realized
Req: Hyattr, Disaster Potential Trait
You like to set things ablaze, just like your patron god did in his time. Channel Destruction's effect now also destroys existing field objects before it places Cinders. If it was a plant object, it leaves behind a Smokescreen for 3 rounds. The level-based damage bonus for Fire Breath is also increased to your total level (instead of half).

Absolute Disaster
Req: Hyattr, Disaster Realized Trait
You've achieved total mastery of the innate powers of breathing fire that you possess. If you harness both Channel Magic and Channel Destruction to use Fire Breath, the fire will increase in size every 2 tiles, hitting a much wider area, and it gains an additional 50% Fire ATK to its damage dealt.

Disgraced Knight
Req: Chivalry Rank 1+
At some point, you did something unbecoming of a chivalrous being. The psychological effect on you has made your Chivalry effects only half as effective. You may be able to redeem yourself... (Progress towards Recovered Honor will be displayed on this trait when it happens.)

Recovered Honor
Req: Disgraced Knight Trait
Can only be taken after applying the effects of Chivalry's talents 500 times. You have managed to reclaim your honor, negating the effects of Disgraced Knight. Sometimes the only reward you need is correcting your past mistakes.

Crude Chivalry
Req: Recovered Honor
Applying that honor, on the other hand, well... the lines aren't always clearly drawn, and life isn't fair. Allows you to apply the effects of Chivalry subtalents even if you outnumber the enemy's party.

Agile Accel Booster
Req: Agile Mechanation
Mech Type Trait (only 1 can be selected). Agile Mechs are known for exactly that - speed. Grants a skill in battle called Agile Accel. (1M, 1 round CD. Become Airborne and move in a 2-5 Range line that must end in an unoccupied tile. For 3 rounds your boosters are considered overheating, causing you to take 15 non-resistable, non-absorbable Fire damage if you use this skill again. 15 damage is added and the duration is reset every time it's used while it is overheating.)

Versatile Roles
Req: Elf, 20 Aptitude
Elves can have versatile roles in any group. Boosts Power of Bow weapons, healing from First Aid's Healing subtalent, Armor, Water ATK, quality of special foods made by the Cooking talent, and maximum FP by 3 each.

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