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Hit rates - Diminishing returns
I feel that in all honesty, hit rates should be changed to some kind of bell curve, scaled, diminished system.

the goal of the system would be that it be simultaneously impossible (without statuses such as blind/fear and soul shot ) to either have a 100% or 0% hit rate.

All hit rates would fall in between those numbers, with a chance to hit or miss always being possible.

The issue itself would be where the peak should be, what should the average point be and how big the negative or positive hit/evade difference would be on the scale.

Personally I feel the neutral hit point where equal investiture of evade and hit should be at 65%, It should be relatively straightforward that against a low cel tank for hit to reach 90%. At the same time an evade build should be able to reliably reduce hit to the 20's and 30's against '40+racial and forget' builds and PVE creatures that aren't supposed to have 'relatively' high hit.

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