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Bloody Strong [Scarlet Twister & Blood Spike]
Cool, I swap to a screamer, get rid of the silence, and oh hey look MOAR RENGE. I hit you from the other side of the map and keep hitting you down until you die. If my HP Is low? Hold this Ether L-vitation.

And can we not compare a Main Class-only way of counter-playing with something you can do for much, much less setup? Really? Getting SUMMONER main class solely for the sake of proving a point? Sorry to say but it's plain stupid to get someone to swap their actual classes, equipment and more for 1 fight just because one magic spell is busted, and then swap back to what they were.

That's not counterplay at all, it's just a big ass waste of time when everything can be solved by just chipping that bloody scaling down. And even though they manage to counter Blood Spike? Hold this effortless Silence, hold this -40% PDEF/MRES, hold this Rebound full healing if there's a gank onto you.

Nerfing two magic spells won't be the end of the class, ffs. Ghost has much more going for it, and those two are just the big dick numbers as of now.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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