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I hate fun (Offhand On crit Pt2)
On the other hand. (Heh.)

I love fun. (Heh.)

I disagree with the things posted here, solely because this accident made a nice feature for the game, and gave those weapons an extra utility. This, compared to Moonlight Mercy? This is nothing. MLM + Quickdraw was the only weapon which we would bat an eye and frown because 1200 damage in one round was the true absurdity of those. That was hands down an impossible-to-beat setup.

The rest? They're just scattered gimmicks. You absolutely can dodge against this setup, since wielding two hands makes you not benefit from Steady, which makes you lose hit. If you wanted to hit, you'd be having Borneblood for an enchant, which makes you lose crit, if you wanted crit on those, Vorpal enchant, so no hit. And then we add 'Demon Hunter' to the fray, a class that doesn't give any statistics to the character. No bonus hit, no bonus crit, no bonus nada, further making this set more niche.

The counter-argument for those is that I 'dare' you use a Jackhammer against people in PvP and not die horribly when they're packing Kensei, Spirit Mirrors, high Dodge, high Crit Evade (new meta!), and any other type of gun sucking hardcore ass if they're not Rifles or Crazy Coyote. You speak as if there's no counterplay, or if everybody is your classic chubby Monk/Hexer who sits down with nothing but high DEF/RES, no crit evade and no Evade at all and expect to not be bursted.

That's their choice.

So nah, not really. I don't see why this should be changed. This "Six Hundred Damage" of yours seems a little too far-fetched and if you could provide a more solid evidence, I'd be all ears to change my opinion.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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