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I hate fun (Offhand On crit Pt2)
Guns have long been a rough part of balance, particularly multishots. They have an awful habit of being hardcountered by numerous gear picks and numerous class skills, making them a risky pick even at their best- thus, of course, I have a vested interest in them seeing a good place of balance. A nerf is not that, as it stands.

Having a personal interest in support tanks myself, perhaps my favourite of the aforementioned counters is mag shield- it's incredibly useful for your entire team, and pairs wonderfully with other hard counters like itself.
Unfortunately, a gear slot that makes oneself take damage for your team needs to be built for. You can't just use protect with no protective stats, for example- nor should you use magnetic shield without any crit evade.

I would very much like to see you consider and refute the points made by Trex, if possible. I can't escape the feeling that you wouldn't have been complaining about mag shield if you had.

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