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Trait suggestions
Scary One
Scary One
Reqs: None
You have been training your speech and actions to become scary. 5%+ fear infliction chance. Whenever you inflict Fear(Not counting fear of death), gain 1 point. At 100, your reputation develops and you gain 10%+ fear infliction chance.

(Possibly: Lowers the chance of applying other status effects by 10%)

Feared One
Feared One
Reqs: Scary One at 100+
Your reputation precedes you. At the start of a fight, you have a chance to inflict Fear on all enemies.

EDIT: I thought about not bumping the thread the next time I posted, but I'm just the second thread on the list now. Whatever.

Perish Song (Indecisive on what the effect should be, I'll leave it to dev)
Perish Song
Reqs: Invite Corruption, Theno
You sing, but people do not understand the beauty. You cry, and people do not see why you are sad over such a wonderful moment. What you feel and think isn't human anymore, and neither are your songs. When you deal sound damage to someone...
Option 1:ALSO Reduce their maximum health based on 25% the damage they would take instead.
Option 2:Reduce their FAI/SAN
Option 3Big Grineal extra damage based on their FAI/SAN

EDIT again: What about this? I feel like its a bit too close to racials, but they make fluffwise sense.

Cold Walker
Cold Hyoyan
Reqs: Hyoyan
Living in Hyoya has defined you. If you have at least 25% cold resistance, you...
Option 1: Also have immunity to being frozen, and have a 10% bonus to applying Frozen to others.
Option 2: Also have +2 Base FAI and +5 power with swords.

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