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Oh Glykan't I? (Glykin Balance)
Okay I'm going to make this short and narrow because I'm growing weary of Glykins being this godly race, quite litterally and metaphorically.

Why is it okay that we have to deal with people capable of making 60 scaled san builds as hyper doom walls and regenerate 50-60 hp a TURN while barely capable of feeling that level of damage in the first place?

Glykins have -4- passives that benefit them, FOUR, and not one thing stops them from being strong, not one drawback.

Glykins gain up to 30 regen with 72 sanctity and the ink for it, they gain status kill for big statuses that affect them based on faith, if a vampire bites them the vampire is hurt for doing so, and they're completely immune to poison which everyone says "Is supposed to counter tanks" why is none of this -wrong-

I got recently told "This class is bullshit because I a glykin built sanctity and it's definitely not my race and my racials that make it broken, no disregard my 60 hp regen from avalons it's FINE i promise it's the class"

There's my peace, I'm just sick of this glykin bias.

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