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Oh Glykan't I? (Glykin Balance)
I think it's important we take it easy as we address the problems faced here. I'll have to be real here and say that I've never struggled when fighting a glykin; that's anecdotal and not a consistent truth across the world, but I really just mean that... The tendency to over invest in SAN winds up shooting them in a foot in a couple ways, so if you just attack them. At least, that's what I've found in my experience; burst healing can keep them shored up, as well, but if you just focus on out damaging their healing enough- or abusing certain other mechanics within your class- the value that you tend to get out of just prioritizing damage over a Glykin's wonky investment tends to give you the upper hand. I think SAN-scaling weapons are pretty powerful, though, typically, especially since they benefit sound effects, which are difficult to resist. Combine that with the lovely status resistance from building SAN and FAI, another high stat from glykin, and their natural poison immunity, and it's definitely a good set of stats. But I think this culminates into one thing-

You can't rely on one method of attack. You can't rely on just inflicting, or dots, or kiting. You have to mix in different strategies. It's that that kind of adaptive playstyle that I've been trying to add to my own work in PvP lately. Before, as a gunner, I used to always die to engineers running armor of nails. Now, I have a few countermeasures that I can use, and I'm more equipped to switch off to a single shot gun if necessary; and I don't think I'll lose that matchup very easily now, even with the lead storm nerfs.

Also, from what I can tell- despite the apparent strength of glykin, people tend to avoid using them, from what I can tell. This might be because they're strong, or it might be because they're tricky to use, and it's hard for me to really say which. Lore could also be an impact, like with dullies... But in any case, I don't think we have a ton of strong examples of overwhelming or dominant glykin play. I'd be keen on watching any match data people have saved, though! There's lots to learn about the matchup, and if glykins are being avoided for some reason, it'd be good to hear from people what they think of glykin and see if there's adjustments we can shoot for to make it a more welcoming race.

I think I remember hearing about the discussion regarding rune mage and glykin; I'd agree that combo is insane, and I'm not really sure how I would approach it as a melee character. After all, rune mage totally walls out melee characters, attacks their vision, immobilizes them, and can do huge damage in short bursts. Combined with the base auto enchant of Talvyd, and you have a character that can kite very effectively while doing this. And if you combine all that with Glykin... It's not unlikely that you'll see exceedingly long matches. Glykin have 30 HP a turn they can get from scaling sanctity, and when you combine that with 30 HP a turn from other sources and the kiting abilities of Rune Mage, you wind up with a truly deadly combination, built for the long game.

I don't know if I'd call such playstyles inherently wrong, and I appreciate glykins and rune mage both as independent functions... I think the interaction between the two is what starts to get a little wacky.

TL;DR, I think we need to see more glykin fights and assess glykin counters a little bit more closely before any major nerfs. I got a little sidetracked by rune mage while thinking over how Glykin can rise to the top of the meta in certain situations, but I think those sorts of interactions are important to look at to; a race isn't a character without a class and all.

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