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Opinion on the current state of SL2 as a RP game
Okay so I've given this a few days to stew and I've triangulated my thoughts, Ran it through all the tests and experiments, Spoken to the experts and have had my relaxing slice of pizza and big brain soda. I'm ready to do this.

Let's go back in the past. How far back we going? We're talking Pre-G.R. Days. We're talking back when the only other place you could go to was oniga. We're talking back when verglas sucked, we're talking before hyattars and liches were a thing. We're talking back when we thought it was a good day when we had fifty+ players. We talking ancient unga bunga times here and yet with our limited space and much less polished product. We still was able to come together as a community and make things like bloden's attack, We had yearly festivals, We had a unisex beauty pageant. We had holiday specials, Chimera Enterprises made so many crazy events at that time. We even had a supernatural hot-spot besides darkside and on top of that we had the arena where the ooc corner was a tiny section of the lively place. It was literally a blimp in the other wise giant rp/battle hub that was the arena We made all those things and many more mean something both icly and occly.

Now if we fast forward to the present. It seems to be the exact opposite. The game-world is bigger, the game is getting updated on an almost bimonthly basis now. The player count had doubled from the 50+ peaking to now 90-100+ plus peaking in these last couple of months. When we reach those numbers ya know 50-100 players numbers however We can't even find a tenth of that on the map at times. The arena which was once a place where friendships were forged, rivalries were started/ended and all sorts of unforgettable memes were made, Hell a place where love has bloomed on many an occasion has now become the ooc corner placeholder. Why? Why is this?

We can all come to a bunch of different issues and have a bunch of different solutions for said issue. But for those of you who've spoken to me privately or I've stated this in a discord or two we share, Every time I bring up this fact we'll disagree on everything but this one fact. The main problem that currently plagues SL2 rp is that many of it's players have either lost, decided to stop pretending to have or never desired to rp in good faith. Let me put this in one sentence for ya.


[Image: Sl2-evidence-1.png]

We have to talk about the people like this who will get on a public forum and claim they wanna help and that they want dev to put new things in the game to help with rp. But are fully ready and willing to just cut-off people's rp in a major or minor story arc just so long as their character gets their moment in the spotlight or worse they have an ooc dislike/disinterest of the characters getting involved so they say screw'em.

We have to talk about the people who when trying to address the problem on the in-game ooc they'll tell you things like this:
[Image: SL2-eveidence-4.png]
Or (read the lower half of this post):

Or read the attachment file I left for you guys. Read that entire log.

People who when new and old players are asking the questions of where is everyone at? They'll tell you things like:"You just gotta find them, You gotta make some friends, no our clique /guild isn't excluding people even though people both icly and occly in said guild will talk about how they don't who's in the guild and everyone outside the guild talks about the heavy gatekeeping of said guild."

Heck we can even talk about hardcore rp. Remember hardcore rp in the middle of the summer it just popped up and an majority of the people was excited about it. Most of the community seemed to be on-board with that and it got to the point for at least like three weeks where every new character you saw was an hardcore character. But how many hardcore chars do you see now? Barely any at all now right? Wanna know why? About 95% of them weren't rping in good faith at the end of the day. They were out in the public for a little bit and then they did same thing with their hardcore characters that was done with their non-hardcore characters. They hid away to a house and locked the door to have these private rp sessions with their buddies. And now that's all they do in their little group now. 24/7 rp with their buddies and that's it. Now if you have some ic implications that require you to take some time away from the public that's one thing. I'd be the biggest hypocrite in the world if I said that was the problem. The problem is when 24/7 rp with your buddies in a locked house is ALL you want to do and currently at least half of the community has decided to stop roleplaying in good faith and follow this path.

And before it's even asked and before any accusations is thrown. The reason why I name dropped and i gave y'all a few receipts. Wasn't just to prove my point. For a year and half it's been an issue. This post that fern has made has been me for a whole year of that time. I tried to help people through their "Anxiety", I've tried reasoning with people. I've tried being as politely diplomatic as I can be. I've tried being as encouraging as I can be, But when you're dealing with people who will be obnoxiously disingenuous enough to come out and say that the reason why the roleplay currently in this game is at it's lowest is because it's not like the top game of byond or former clique rpers who can't get into cliques anymore come out and make their case while knowing they want but can't be apart of the problem or people who are the problem just throwing in suggestions like they aren't in someone's else locked house right now having a one piece story arc:


The game is looking better than it's ever looked in every other department but the roleplay and that's not dev's fault, that's not the event admin's fault, That's not even the gm's fault. That's a community problem. That's a player-problem. The roleplay of the roleplay mandatory game is going to be at it's lowest because at the end of the day at least half of the community decides to not rp in good faith and the other half tip-toes around these people instead of addressing these people and getting to the bottom of this. we keep skirting around that fact and I for one am done doing that.
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RE: Opinion on the current state of SL2 as a RP game - by Killah-K12 - 10-03-2020, 04:34 AM

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