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Summoner Tweaks
Assuming sync mind changes get made and you have 35-9 Skill points left thats 26 SP to allocate, and there are 7 affinities. If one wanted to, they .could. nab 4 affinities and 3 sync minds. Which is still pretty good and, to be honest, doesn't really negate the issue that much. because most people just choose BEAST, MYSTIC, DRAGON, NIGHT so maybe sync mind ranks need to be increased some. < Looking at you people who take Night only for dat drowned woman >.

I think another issue with Youkai is the fact that you can still use their skills even when they're summoned. Which is kind of silly if you ask me due to the fact that they're already there. You can't 'partially summon' them for the evocation. I'd suggest that most of their 'skills' are in the spell tab for you. If you have the youkai summoned, however, or if it's at 0 HP, you cannot use it's skills etc.

There is also the fact that some youkai have a skill that scales off of a stat that they just don't get much of. Apus' Apodis scales off of WIL+Apus level, but at most it can get a 25% WIL growth with affinity. Why would a youkai have something like this? Does it improve their survivability at all? Not really.

Byakko is a good example of a non-WIL scaling attack. It scales off of STR and it's level, deals a good chunk of damage alongside it too.

Chun's Fire Jet, isn't. He can get 45% WIL growth, doesn't mean that fire jet of his isn't going to do that much unless it's in the hands of a summoner who loves their 70+ WIL that can use it.

Cresyr from Snow Crow... yet another example of Bird's having WIL scaling attacks for no explainable reason whenever their WIL growth is garbage.

Maybe if you associated each 'youkai' type to a certain stat, it'd help promote people wanting to use those types of youkai by rebalancing numerous amounts of the skills so we don't have 90% of their skills scaling off of WIL with no reason for the youkai to ever use it themself.

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