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Summoner Tweaks
Quote:I don't think this is a great change to Summoners at all. 7 SP just to use skills of youkai isn't really good, considering the tradeoff for the skills is that their FP costs get pretty high the higher the youkai get (regardless of damage, it's still very costly), you can't use it if your youkai is at 0 HP, and you can't use it if the youkai is summoned.

It costs 7 SP for any other class to have around 1-2 decent skills. That 7 FP just gave you a long line of passive and active abilities (if you so chose) from multiple youkai. Lets not forget that Dev still plans to add even more to the plethora. The steep FP requirement enforces the fact that you should be summoning and be willing to 'trade-off' (for instance) WIL+Youkai level damage, including a status effect for that chunk of FP. There are so many FP drainers and sustains around, that there's not much to be concerned about.

Quote: For such a great (and that's with loads of sarcasm) passive, it has a pretty nasty drawback, especially against people who actually use Holy weapons. Installing her is just as bad for that purpose, and how it also treats you as installed for more punishment from Judgement Blade.

Lets not degrade this back and forth with sarcasm, even if you think it will aid your point. We can probably both agree that people using holy weapons is a rarity, as you just referred to 'people who actually use' it. You don't like DW and her effects? Choose another Night Youkai to install, or another affinity. That's what specialization and the apples offer. If DW was the only youkai around and one can swap holy weapons in battle, I'd honestly consider your side. I'm also lost as to why you think 25% resistance to blunt, physical, and pierce types is ('with loads of sarcasm') bad.

Quote:Summoners are an iffy subject, and before any changes happen to them, we should see what their next promotion provides. Right now the class is already a problem on its own just to use.

It's only as iffy as the community makes it. Some people can't always hide behind the fact it has glaring problems. This suggestion, as I mentioned earlier, makes future additions less of a hassle and more reasonable. Rather than 2 SPs giving someone so much, they have to work toward what they want like everyone else. These suggestions, especially the first, aims to make the next promotion more reasonable.

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