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Summoner Tweaks
Total SP for decent skills depends on your class. Offensive skills generally cost around 5 SP.

You can't say Summoners should only be about summoning the youkai, (despite their name, yeah), because when you think about it, anyone with a lv 60 youkai would pay a 17 FP upkeep just to keep them out, and that makes the skills with heavy FP requirements, just like any other skill in a class, except that it requires your youkai to be with you, and alive. Now imagine being that LE'd guy who's lower level then their youkai, has to hextuple the summoning cost, which goes from 5 to 30, and maintain a 17 FP upkeep just to have the youkai out. Summoners already only get two Offensive skills on their own, and one of them doesn't even do damage.

Even if there aren't a lot of youkai right now, why should people focus on sticking with certain categories of youkai? Maybe they want only one from this section, but none of the others? I myself don't even use Beast youkai at all. But that's just an example of how people like to choose what kind of youkai they pick.

Also, I was talking about DW's Evoke-Passive, not her Install ability. They are two entirely different things, and we're talking about Evoke-Passives at the moment, at least, that's what I was talking about.

I, on the other hand, see the FP management (don't misunderstand, FP upkeep is fine, but it gets really taxing later on, that is an entirely different topic though), as more of a problem than "too much synergy and too many skills". I don't honestly see anywhere in the game where it says, "you should be summoning your youkai or you are stupid". If people want to do nothing but use evoke skills, let them, that's a different playstyle, and it may be suited for them.

You also have to consider that youkai slots are solely focused on FAI. If you choose to opt out of FAI (hey maybe someone wants to), then you don't get many youkai to play around with. And as for the lack of youkai, who knows when more will be added? Weeks? Months? Years? I'd rather start having more youkai before I limit what youkai I can and can't use properly.

As for what the next promotion is, we don't even know. Summoners have a broad range of tactics to their advantage because they're solely focused on the youkai. We may have a promotion that focuses on only having a single youkai contracted. Here's the problem. With that single youkai out, your evoke skills are entirely useless.

Summoners have too many of their own personal problems for people who are anti-summoner (not saying you are) to start going "Summoner OP, plz nerf" (when they're not even OP in the slightest, especially since it costs an arm and a leg to have more than one youkai out during a turn, and the initial turn they're summoned and sit there doing nothing).

Lack of youkai.
Lack of versatility with youkai.
Lack of offensive abilities (or maybe that's why they can use Evoke-Actives).
Hefty FP costs for both Upkeep and Evoking.
Not enough synergy with the youkai themselves, (all you have is Encourage, Astral Aegis, and Install).
Youkai being too much of a pain in the ass to level up.

The list goes on.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!

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