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Summoner Tweaks
Quote:Even if there aren't a lot of youkai right now, why should people focus on sticking with certain categories of youkai? Maybe they want only one from this section, but none of the others? I myself don't even use Beast youkai at all. But that's just an example of how people like to choose what kind of youkai they pick.
You just brought up the major issue of people picking and choosing the best youkai from each category. That should not be a thing and if specializations reveals to you that some youkai are worse than others in that category, then that's a good thing. It would be your duty to report a balancefu topic. And I'm not sure where the suggestions states otherwise. But, you can grab any youkai you want once you have the contract. You just won't receive the sync-mind bonuses unless you pay that 7 SP.

Quote:Also, I was talking about DW's Evoke-Passive, not her Install ability. They are two entirely different things, and we're talking about Evoke-Passives at the moment, at least, that's what I was talking about..

You're bringing up the flaws of one youkai and demoting the usefulness it brings to combat. With the current system, grabbing DW under any circumstance forces you to have that weakness. If you're a dragon and avian summoner, you won't have to deal with those drawbacks because you aren't using the respective night sync-mind.

Quote:I, on the other hand, see the FP management (don't misunderstand, FP upkeep is fine, but it gets really taxing later on, that is an entirely different topic though), as more of a problem than "too much synergy and too many skills".

FP management and upkeep still has little to do with this suggestion. It doesn't increase or decrease the FP upkeep or management of anything. That's something you can suggest for another thread. But it's good to know you do see the synergy as a problem.

Quote:I don't honestly see anywhere in the game where it says, "you should be summoning your youkai or you are stupid". If people want to do nothing but use evoke skills, let them, that's a different playstyle, and it may be suited for them.
I've no clue where you're getting at with the first sentence. But this suggestion does not remove the ability to use the summoner class as a buffer.

Quote:You also have to consider that youkai slots are solely focused on FAI. If you choose to opt out of FAI (hey maybe someone wants to), then you don't get many youkai to play around with.

....... Hrm. Okay. I don't think you read the part where I implied that as of now, you can make a character with 60 faith, grab the youkai you want, then rebirth with however much faith you want. Otherwise.. I'm really not sure where someone's decision to hinder their slots poses relevance.

Quote:And as for the lack of youkai, who knows when more will be added? Weeks? Months? Years? I'd rather start having more youkai before I limit what youkai I can and can't use properly.
With contract, install, and mirror, you can have 4 affinities and 3 sync-minds with my suggestion. 5/5 Mirror is completely negligible compared to the other two, making that 4 sync-minds. You're underestimating the amount of youkai currently present.

Quote:Summoners have too many of their own personal problems for people who are anti-summoner (not saying you are) to start going "Summoner OP, plz nerf"
Personal.. problems? Huh. This is just a class, and people will voice their opinion, even if it's sometimes irrational. I can't say that comment holds any relevance here either, sorry.

Quote:(when they're not even OP in the slightest, especially since it costs an arm and a leg to have more than one youkai out during a turn, and the initial turn they're summoned and sit there doing nothing).
If I have to speak from personal experience. I had a long spar spar with Trex the other day, and had around 2-3 youkai for multiple turns, though sometimes I withdrew them for strategic reasons. Most of my FP drainage stemmed from spamming youkai skills, because I was too impatient to let them do it for me. And yes, thankfully they're visible for the initial turn, making great them distractions.

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