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Summoner Tweaks
Quote:If these were suggestions and not a topic for the balance of the class, why is this in Balance Fu? The thread is Summoner Tweaks, which gives off the impression of changing the class, rather than suggesting an addition. I just wanted to point that out.
Is this necessary? I don't think this has much to do with what I am offering. I won't pull up a dictionary, but yes, these are suggestions I'm issuing to balance a class. Those skills you see up there are additions. I think this much was obvious. As for the section, I don't recall if I placed it under suggestions, and if I did or did not, it'd have been moved.

Quote:I don't see why the current playstyle of certain people is a problem, even if it's a common thing for a base class. Summoners have enough problems before they need to start getting unnecessary nerfs, and that is why I disagree that this should be implemented, especially any time soon. It's better to really play a Summoner, or any class, sit down, and tinker with it in different builds and set-ups, before you go around saying it needs to be nerfed because you don't like the way people use the class. I think saying "X needs to be changed because Person B plays it this way, and that is wrong" is a poor reason to really suggest any kind of changes.

Alrighty. This is escalating. Lets smash one thing at a time. Firstly, I've been playing the summoner class for over, or around a year now. Always have been. I don't need people to vouch for that, but that's just to clarify and settle those personal jabs. I think the points were raised on both sides. So I'm unable to address your other 'point'-- that you're assuming I'm bashing 'playstyles'. I'm not going to keep defending fallacies that claim I'm saying "So and so's playstyle is wrong because they have that option". In my opinion, the suggestion spreads the balance from you spending 2 SP for a plethora of strengths/weaknesses to specialization. You already made it clear you disagree. Let others bring up other points.

Quote: I'm not sorry that I disagree.

I'm still not understanding where these comments are coming form. I don't need any apologies, so that's fine.

Quote:I would also like to let you know, I've pretty much said my piece here, so I'm not going to really say much else to any form of rebuttals to my argument unless it's something different that I have to comment on (whether it be positively or negatively). So, I figured I'd save you the trouble of wasting time to type out a response.
Thank you.

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