01-15-2023, 05:15 PM
More flavor for anti-corruption corrupted, I like it. As far as the proposed benefits though? I don't like 'em, chief.
The thing is, you can't really give them too much extra with this.
All of this I'm sure you're aware of but I want you to keep it in mind while thinking about this trait. SAN is a fine stat as it is but it interacts negatively with corrupteds' racials, yes. They aren't the only ones who shy away from SAN though. Humans and homunculi and va don't receive any additional benefits either, so these racial groups are instead pushed toward other stats. Which is fine. For sort of being softly locked out of a stat, corrupted and homunculi have cool racials that don't scale off SAN like everyone else's do and humans get a couple general buffs plus a wide choice of stat spread, if you're into that sort of thing. For corrupted to lose (or at least weaken) their racials in exchange for some other unique benefit makes them kind of intruding in on human territory, yeah? Which is kind of the point but therein lies the issue still.
Each of the examples you shared are way, way, way, way, way too strong. To the degree that I think you want this benefit to be powerful instead of just a side grade. It would make them human+ and we definitely don't want that. As in, human but better. The main benefit they should be getting is having SAN not feel like a wasted stat investment plus maybe a little extra. And I mean a little. Like one extra skill slot or maybe even the free history trait (like a Shaitan remembering that part of their past) to make them more a little bit more human. They aren't human though. Diminished as they will be, the corrupted will still have access to their racials and some of the passive ones won't even be negatively impacted by the SAN, making this trait potentially purely beneficial for some builds. Give them something small.
So yes, give us the yummy dynamic of the SAN corrupted and make it gameplay-viable but also consider the delicate balance at play here.
The thing is, you can't really give them too much extra with this.
All of this I'm sure you're aware of but I want you to keep it in mind while thinking about this trait. SAN is a fine stat as it is but it interacts negatively with corrupteds' racials, yes. They aren't the only ones who shy away from SAN though. Humans and homunculi and va don't receive any additional benefits either, so these racial groups are instead pushed toward other stats. Which is fine. For sort of being softly locked out of a stat, corrupted and homunculi have cool racials that don't scale off SAN like everyone else's do and humans get a couple general buffs plus a wide choice of stat spread, if you're into that sort of thing. For corrupted to lose (or at least weaken) their racials in exchange for some other unique benefit makes them kind of intruding in on human territory, yeah? Which is kind of the point but therein lies the issue still.
Each of the examples you shared are way, way, way, way, way too strong. To the degree that I think you want this benefit to be powerful instead of just a side grade. It would make them human+ and we definitely don't want that. As in, human but better. The main benefit they should be getting is having SAN not feel like a wasted stat investment plus maybe a little extra. And I mean a little. Like one extra skill slot or maybe even the free history trait (like a Shaitan remembering that part of their past) to make them more a little bit more human. They aren't human though. Diminished as they will be, the corrupted will still have access to their racials and some of the passive ones won't even be negatively impacted by the SAN, making this trait potentially purely beneficial for some builds. Give them something small.
So yes, give us the yummy dynamic of the SAN corrupted and make it gameplay-viable but also consider the delicate balance at play here.