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Daemyra - Organ merging and cursed growth
Applicable BYOND Key - Imotepmechythings
Character Name - Daemyra Salrel
Request Type - Character Ability, the capability to merge organs from one being in to another or grow new 'cursed' varients within an injured person, via magical means.

This ability is not to be a snap your fingers and everything is okay kind of thing, it is to provide the ability to potentially restore and replace damage caused to a person's being but in a manner that is condusive to additional and the flow of rp.


Daemyra is a witch who deals with curses, spirits and dark energy on a daily basis, she has consumed Mavrai, black spirits and the life force of most varients of creatures about Korvara and having done so gained an understanding of their inner workings, the flow of energy about beings and the taste of their souls.

She seeks to build her powerbase in the form of allies and contracts held, leading her to offer assistance where capable. I would like one of those capabilites to be to offer the restoration of organs, including things such as eyes, hearts, lungs and any non basic tissue (muscles, skin and the like).

Being a creature so attuned to the dark, methods of gleamweaving are restricted from her and as such, attempts to provide complex healing would require a considerable measure of her darker affinities, utilizing curses to morph and adapt tissue to serve in function of replacing or repairing said organs. This is to be an extension of her original healing ability approval.

For example.

A man has lost his arm in a fight, said arm utterly destroyed and not salvageable to be reattached. Daemyra could offer to replace the arm with one sourced from another being, reforming it to look as it was prior, but in order to both prevent rejection and allow functionality, a curse is embedded, to synergize the two differing masses and allow them to become one. Said curse, would imbue an effect to its host, in this example say, the need to hunt, a build up of rabid nature the longer the man goes without committing said hunt, something that if not managed correctly would drive him mad or even bring about physical changes to his being, making him eventually appear more monsterous.

A second example being, a direct, fresh, growth of mass, the man has lost an eye and seeks it returned. Daemyra's ministrations and manipulations of flesh and soul, permit her to grow him an entirely new eye, a painful process to be sure, but returning him said organ. However, this new mass, just by virtue of the dark nature by which it was grown, is by very definition a cursed object, this time affecting not the host themselves, but those about them, where his gaze may land, pain and withering follows, such being a drain to his stamina, but also a problem for those he interacts with, perhaps nessesitating covering the eye anyway to prevent the ill effects.

I would like to pose that the effect of said curses can be mitigated, but only under one condition. That condition being that the host of said curse, must seek Daemyra out and have her subdue the effect temporarily or have such reset to its base point, a process that is to be taxing to her, which she may only offer with further stipulations, such as the ownership of their soul and whatever contract limitations brought about by such. This is intended to add a level of antagonism to said healing efforts, that is not simply murdering or destruction.

Not a cure but an alteration of consequences.

Should anyone remove said curses from the healed, exchanged or grown objects, said objects would rapidly decay, rotting and at best simply cease to be or worse, pose a serious health risk for the individual hosting them.

Messages In This Thread
Daemyra - Organ merging and cursed growth - by Imotepchief - 03-25-2023, 03:15 AM

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