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Character Concepts Requiring Approval (READ ME)
Applications Regarding Inventions
If you want to apply for an invention, we have certain guidelines for things that will not be accepted.
  • Magitech is preferred over things that utilize more traditional technology.
  • Inventions which invalidate certain roles won't be considered. IE, inventions that would make couriers or messenger birds pointless.
  • Flight machines won't be considered.
  • Trains/cars/etc won't be considered.
  • No plastics.
  • No finely tuned machinery, such as those requiring intricate or complex parts, like bicycle chains or spokes.
  • Long range communication devices won't be considered. No telephones, no magical crystal ball telephones, etc.
  • No digital displays. IE, things like monitors, digital watch faces, etc.
  • No electronic devices. IE, no mp3 players, no Nintendo Switches, no electric stoves, no fans.
  • No bicycles. No tricycles. No cycles of any kind which involve more than one wheel.
  • No synthesized materials, such as tire rubber, which are determined to be too modern. (Simple alloyed metals are excluded.)
  • No refrigerators or other inventions that would significantly increase the mobility and lifespan of food items. (Small, non-mobile chilled boxes are excluded.)
  • No explosives or chemical weapons beyond the capability of what has already been established. IE, no super bombs, no nukes, no mustard gas, no napalm.
  • No complex or highly advanced medicines.
  • No automated mass production. No machines that enable manual large scale mass production. (IE, more primitive versions of printing presses are okay.)
Furthermore, your invention requires some additional details that are considered;
  • Inspiration for the invention. What made your character come up with this idea?
  • How the invention works. What does it do, how does it do it, what are its limitations?
  • Existing technology. What within the established lore supports the invention existing as you have described?
  • Development time. How long have you been working on this IC? Do you have logs or screenshots supporting your claim?
Please note that we consider other factors for inventions as well, such as the flavor of the setting. Nothing is guaranteed to be approved.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Character Concepts Requiring Approval (READ ME) - by Neus - 12-07-2023, 03:16 PM

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