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Regarding Romek Pt. 2
@Clockworkers Doll.

As presumptuous as this will sound... I believe I'm the antithesis of most problems you've stated. I refuse to touch the arena, I RP with almost everyone I come across, and I don't have any trouble at all. I do RP with the strangers and I make damned sure I don't stick to my friend groups. As I once said: No one will RP outside the arena until y'all actually stop RPing at the arena. You need to be the change you desire and I've always tried to do that. (I'm not saying my character is super popular, but a lot of people have RPed with Valyrie and I've touched the arena maybe 5 times this year.)

I've had almost every issue I needed resolved through GMs and I suggest people talking to them when you have your issue. If people aren't... that's not really the GMs fault anymore. Don't be so scared and say something.

As for events... I love Dyst events, I try to attend as many as I can because they're a blast.

The rest of the rant is based off experiences that ocurred where it was too old for me to comment on.

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