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Reapers and Apertaurus Power Crept
2) Inspired by the minotaur's Child of Venus passive, I think it'd be cool to have a trait for Reapers that effectively gives them the effects of Kraken or Galren respectively, I am also contractually obligated to mention that Papilion could potentially get one for Saturn as well.

I would love for races that are attuned to a certain element (See: Papilion with Wind and weakness to earth.. or Phenex with Fire and weakness to Ice) to be able to just.

Have a passive from high (or low) sanctity that allows them to act like they are enchanted with it (See: The Badge Type). Without accumulating horrifically huge penalties.

Long have I wanted to play a Fire Firebird phenex. I, however, do not want to eat a 40% ice weakness that I have to cover up because 'thematically they're the worst at doing this' and ACTUALLY the best Fire Firebird is a race with innate ice resist.

Edit: Alternatively. Capping Weaknesses at 25% would be actually worthwhile and stop a lot of heckery.

Messages In This Thread
Reapers and Apertaurus Power Crept - by Autumn - 11-10-2024, 11:39 PM
RE: Reapers and Apertaurus Power Crept - by Snake - 11-11-2024, 10:50 PM
RE: Reapers and Apertaurus Power Crept - by Rendar - 11-12-2024, 06:24 AM

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