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PvE Improvement
PvE as it stands, even with the recent addition of monsters gaining certain class skills, is monotonous and tiresome. Yet it's necessary if you want to be effective in other aspects of the game.

There's two issues I'll be addressing:

1. Dungeons as they stand are fairly dull. Once you've been in one, you've seen them all. Some dungeon types/prefixes mix things up or make things extremely frustrating without offering any real reason to go to them over a similar dungeon without the aggrivating qualities (i.e. crypts, spacey). There was a suggestion in the past to add new prefixes, which addressed this issue somewhat. (link)

2. Grinding in general is tedious as a result of the aforementioned issue, though with the semi-recent addition of training day and the exp-table changes, it was made somewhat less time-consuming. For people who cannot clear mobs optimally (I will not list examples to avoid silly arguments over who can clear fastest or 'oh i can do this') it can still be frustrating to reach the level cap. Some stats are just objectively better for PvE in terms of clear-time, and if your character lacks them, you -will- take longer without asking friends for help who -do- have those stats.

Onto the first issue. Going off the previous thread made on the topic, having dungeon prefixes be more varied, or simply give different rewards based on difficulty would be a start. Making dungeons somehow more difficult whether it be by giving monsters equipment/resists, or simply adding in some of the suggestions from that thread would be justified if said difficulty modifiers were followed up by making the rewards for clearing the dungeon, whether it be exp or items, greater than your average dungeon. Right now, the hardest dungeon you can get is simply more mobs on a larger map (or more mobs on a smaller map, depends on your build) and even then things aren't really any harder than having 3 or 2 mobs.

As mentioned in the thread regarding the Bands of x items, cores generally give very lackluster items, with a very slight chance to get what you actually want. The problem I see is that cores are pulling from literally every item in the game that meets its qualifications, thus narrowing in on what you want is impossible. A 0.12% chance to get an item while you're rolling for every single other item with that chance...odds are you'll never personally see that item. A suggestion to fix that would be allowing more core-crafting options, maybe make rarer items craftable but require cores? The recipes can be as insane as you'd want them to be, but it's better to have some kind of guarantee than potentially /never/ getting what you want. Another possibility is to make certain dungeons pull from certain tables of items, but, the point is there should be a way to better your odds beyond just getting more items.


That's all I'll say on that for now, so, now for the second.

Grinding, is, as the term implies...grinding. It's to be expected to not receive instant gratification for it, but, after doing it over and over again, you have to wonder why there aren't any ways to make things go faster beyond 'nuke mobs more efficiently' which isn't an option everyone has. What I'd suggest is making ways to speed things up without necessarily making it so you have to clear the fights faster (although that will always be a quicker route, that's a topic for another day) which can be accessed by anyone. Something like increasing how many ranks you can buy of Deja Vu, so leing over and over will be slightly quicker. For people who don't plan to do more than a single run or two, adding in more 'green' items that boost experience is also valid, or any items really that'd effect exp gains. Or even a trait--the point is that the easiest way to make grinding faster, beyond overhauling pve, is to make exp gains easier and more abdunant. I'd also ask that, if these options were implemented, whatever the exp gain cap is should be lifted, or provide some way to lift it.

I don't have much more to say than 'add more exp modifiers' to fix grinding in general. How obtainable they are isn't too important as long as it's not overly excessive.


TL;DR Dungeons need to vary more in difficulty and give greater rewards based on such, grinding needs to be less of a chore.

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