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Quote:Pulling shot is actually god awful for an archer because of the up-close penalty.

You forget sub classes. Pulling Shot causes knockdown and is perfect for following up with another attack. Consider this: Turn 1, you go last. Opponent closes in. You use Pulling Shot to knock them down and lead into a Mad Chop or something similar. Turn 2, they only have 3-4M (Dependant on PVE vs PVP) to work with. You have all 7. They stay close because of bows. You take some damage. You then use your subclass's skills and weapon to attack again, before using heavy tackle to send them flying. If in PVE, they'll be knocked down again. If PVP, well, On Guard is a thing.

I wouldn't suggest this for long BDPs as a main class Arbalest due to the FP costs, but I turned this into an art form with a Kensei/Arb. Sidecut-Pulling Shot-Repel, etc. It's only bad if you try to play as a pure archer... which, considering Arbalest's entire gimmick... is... well, stupid, really, as you lack options to spend SP on if you don't use a subweapon.

Quote:Cracked Mirror is 5 regen. Woopdy doo.

5 per turn. It adds up over a long BDP and adds a LOT of sustainability. Sure, in PVP, it's nothing that special, but that doesn't make it bad overall.

Quote:PG is shitty atm.

It kind of is, but it's still better to have against high defense than to not have at all. I was mainly talking about how everyone was up in arms to have it nerfed, due to the implication that Meditate being a base class skill automatically meant it had to suck.

Quote:Heaven Kick is brokenly good. See, this thread.

I disagree about it being broken. Quaking got it's nerf (Needs true Galren, a badge is not enough) and the damage is pretty bad, as it does not factor in stats at all, only distance. Assuming you use it at 12 range with a 25 power weapon against a target with 20 defense, it only does 49-57 based on rank, and a mere +8 damage really isn't worth nearly doubling the FP costs.

It's good. It closes in and attacks in one action. That alone is worth the skill slot and FP cost. But it's far from broken. It's for utility. A troll could realistically tap someone to death by kiting them this way, but battles end much faster if you use moves that factor in your stats, assuming they're decent.

Quote:Eruption? Explosion you mean? Never used it, fire is trash tier.

No idea why I said Eruptiuon, but yes. Again, this is one of those PVE specific skills. Take an LB's attack radius. Make it full power all the way across. And then make it targeteable on something besides yourself. It is absolutely wild. Factor in how common a PVE weakness fire is (Goblins, Gorgons, Vorpals, Black Beasts) and it obliterates. You can also use it as a trap in the event that you're outskipped (Sliding Zombie) and still out of range, since it detonates between turns. It only doesn't work in PVP due to rampant resist/absorb.

Quote:Anyway, another idea was to give Power up more use and have problematic skills just be costier. Since Monks survivability is decent, I could see them powering up, occasionaly.
I bring it up because it might spur some ideas, I don't think it's too good because it really would give trouble to monks that rely on dodge rather than on the rest of defensive stats.

Ignoring the off topic ad-hominems in the first part of your post (I thought you weren't going to bother. Liar.) I do think this second part is a good idea. Giving Power Up more FP/Ki generation in favor of making some of their skills use more FP/Ki seems a very fair balance. Especially since it's currently 6M for 16 FP/9 Ki. That's a lot of momentum for fairly little in return. I do share the dodge concern, but monk also has a surprising 20% def growth, so it fits the class at least.
*loud burp*

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