04-03-2015, 02:39 AM
"[url=http://www.neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=6095#p6095 Wrote:Zakizo » Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:16 am[/url]"]This seems difficult to keep track of, and even more difficult to enforce. The playerbase is pretty big right now, and I'm pretty sure people run around doing countless things they shouldn't already, much of which has nothing to do with twinking. Do the GMs care? Probably. Can they handle it at this point? Forecast is not good.
That said, even if (miraculously) everyone did try to adhere to these rules, keeping tabs on everyone you've given something to down to the little details like "how much" within a 1 month time-frame is not something that can realistically be expected of a person to be able to do, so people would end up inadvertently breaking them regardless. You may want to rethink these guidelines.
That being said, the question of this isn't now if the rule exists, but wouldn't it now be more of how to enforce this. The only way I see that this would work would be we raised the total amount of GMs, or we have logging on every single said transaction between players. Or re-making this rule.