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Clarifying the twinking rule.
"[url= Wrote:catabur » Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:33 pm[/url]"]OKAY, you losers.
I was just going to leave this post here, since I didn't feel like debating a rule set by dev, but, might as well use this to voice my opinon.

Quote:The way I interpret this rule is simple: don't have your level 60 give your new character a bunch of good shit. Yeah, you're going to lose that shit, but that's supposed to happen when you create a new character and delete an old one. This also goes to giving twelve billion murai to some other character, becaaaaause you were going to get rid of the character anyway.
Okay, what? Very rarely do people -delete- the character in question. I'm not sure if this part is serious or not. Anyways, that's not the point. Generally, when people have a level 60 friend to help them out, they'll grind them to an appropriate level, then pass them the equipment they want. So, simply put, no, people don't do this to get rid of the character in question. Next point.

Quote:This also applies to your FRIENDS, because that's twinking-by-proxy. It ain't right that you can have a rebelling weapon on your level 10, because your friend has an extra one. People twink, because it's easier to do than actually working up to that goal. You can talk all about how twinking was probably just against the rules in MMOs to get people to play the game instead of skipping certain sections, but whateves. It's mainly balance-related.
Again, people mainly help grind them -then- give them these things. Also, I want you to look at that bolded sentence and think on it for a good minute and see if you can figure out how wrong that is. What difference does it make which character I do the work on? It's practically the same amount of effort for me, except now I have to get the item via RNG on a different character. I shouldn't be actively punished for not having the luck I need, or the friends with the luck I need to get what I want. As for skipping certain sections--most people who've done this have played through the grind at least a good dozen times. Going through the grind for the hundrenth time is beating a dead horse.

Quote:Unless, of course, it was all talked about beforehand. There was some freakin' laplaceNET request and your character manages to get it to the person and gets phat loot? That's all good. Freakin' saved them from big, scary black wolves? That's pretty cool, too.
Awesome, so, the exception is made if the RNG is really, really nice to me. That's great, in the freakish chance it ever happens. Odds are you'll be way past the level it'd be illegal to have an item at by the time you see them (beyond say, rebelling weapons from the jammer cave.)

Quote:I mean, technically the rules never CHANGED. They were just made more clear to the fine folks of SL2.
Actually, this is pretty new. Now that alt-trading is being hard-enforced by the game's coding, it seriously restricts people. I know it's hard for people without a lot of characters to understand (not saying you don't have a lot) but, when you're trying to build a character, you'll generally want to pass things around. Now that's impossible, and instead you need to pray a friend gets the drop you want, then gives it to you. The RNG is cruel.


Twinking isn't an issue. 'Boosting', isn't an issue. In a game where you have infinite time to prepare a character before you play them RPly, what difference does it make in how long it takes you? Some people have an easier time with it because they have friends to help them, or are just savvy enough to get through quickly.

The restrictions on gear are entirely arbitrary, as rarity has -nothing- to do with how good an item is. Odds are a new player won't even see most of it until they're already in range for 9-star items, as the loot table will almost certainly drop them nothing but garbage, unless they farm low level cores.

And as for fast grinding? Who cares? Why should it matter how fast people get through the game? Just because you can't do it as quickly? Have you thought maybe there's a reason why people want to do it as quickly as they can? Personally, I have an extremely high backlog of characters, all of which I'd want, preferably, to be level 60, more than likely le'd multiple times so they'd be viable against other players, etc. I'm not the only person who does this, and this mindset isn't exclusive to people like me with a ludicrous amount of characters. Anyone savvy -hates- grinding, and of course, still want to participate in the game' (see: PvP) and in order to be effective...well...that requires grinding. A lot of it, usually, depending on how much the RNG likes you.

I've played your game more times than I'd like to count, Dev. Making my life and other's who wish to make new characters and have appropriate stats (which varies based on the person, but, recently what's considered appropriate has been going to rediculous levels, but, that's a community issue) isn't the way to go about making your game more fun. If you want people to enjoy your game for what it is, make the content more interesting to play through on the way to level 60. I and many others have made suggestions about this already. (link)

If you want people to go through PvE as you intended, make it so we don't want to claw our eyes out as we CM > Magi > WO > repeat through nearly every single battle, over a thousand times, because few other methods match that speed.

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