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Fated Characters
So, this suggestion is the ultimate for RP. Instead of the game choosing what your character is capable of, you do it.

Other people won't let your character excel in a certain area unless they have the stats to back it up. Does your battle-hardened general have less Strength than that catgirl over there? Too bad, she just suplexed you into the dirt.

This would allow players to choose what kind of character they actually want, without needing to pester others to grind them for weeks at a time (Seriously, tally the amount of hours some people spend preparing a character. It's ridiculous).


Let players allocate 236 points worth of stats manually. This is a stat total of 4. This isn't extremely high in any way whatsoever, but with the high customizability, it would allow players to make any kind of character without tons of heartache. Want that musclebound meathead? Go for it. Frail mage? Go for it. Lightning bruiser? Go. No grinding. Actually enjoying the game.

Of course, players who chose this wouldn't be able to LE, so any bonuses obtainable from this would be off-limits for them. No catalysts or crafting bonuses for you.


Frequently Unstated Questions, Queries, and Statements.

S: This is unfair to the people who have already grinded!
A: No one cares about your prestige, make the game more accessible.

S: This means that no one will go through the story!
A: Not everyone actually reads the story. Some people only go through it for rewards. This won't change that.

S: This will make all characters the same!
A: It's a less frustrating option, and I highly doubt that everyone plans on making the exact same stat plot.

Q: What if I want to make a character stronger than this would allow?
A: Grind them yourself. This isn't meant to encourage Mary Sues. RNG Purgatory for you.

S: Why wouldn't everyone do this? Wouldn't this ruin the point of leveling up?
A: Some people may want to progress, and some may want higher stats. Though if being average for more controllability and less frustration is so appealing, maybe this suggestion isn't the issue.

Q: What if people use this to drum up antagonism, and make large parties of evil-doers? What if one person makes a large party to wipe other people out?
A: More antagonism, more RP. No more needing to grind for days for an acceptable villain. Everyone wins. Also multi-keying like that isn't allowed.

Q: What if people use this to make a level 60 character, then help grind someone else's level 1 character?
A: People do this already, moot point.

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