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[Dodgers] Cel Cel Cel, What do we have here?
Okay so. I'm going to make a post about why dodge is hillariously bullshit, but lets go ahead and do this song and dance again. Yes, I'm making a post because dodge is overpowered.

Let's lay out some guidelines of who the fighters are, and stats.

Over here, we have a level 57 MG/Tactician
[Image: f2e304821d.jpg]
93 Accuracy Spirit Hunter, Blessed. Max Marksmanship, Max Dynamic Shooting.
54*2+0.5*42+26+10+16+93 = 274 Hit

In our other corner, we have a level 55 Kensei/Verglas!
[Image: 5ee2da5ab0.jpg]
82 Celerity, 35 Luck, 16 Dodge Armor, Agile Feet, After Image, and UnA. Prowess
(82*2+35+16+6+20)*1.06 = 255.46, or for short, 255 Dodge.

So, in a typical fight, this looks like the Magic Gunner would have an actual decent chance to hit the dodger. However, this is a dirty, dirty lie.

In reality, that hit is automatically dropped from 274, down to 232.9 from a simple .innate. boost.

274*0.85 = 232.9 Hit

So now it's already bad. with the MG standing at a -23% chance to hit.

232.9 hit vs 255 dodge

Now, you all can say "Oh well you have Attack Formation! You can have charged shot give +25!"

Well.. that'd be good, except Attack Formation is just +25, putting me at a whopping 2% to hit, IF I didn't lose 15% of that as well, which lah-dee-dah I do. So that's not usable at all. Same goes for Charged Shot. I guess if I want to overcharge then flick safety on, I might have the ability to do that. Except I still get -15% to that, and..

Oh wait. What's this? They just feared me with Absolute Fear.

-30 hit. Putting the MG at

202.9 Hit vs 255 Dodge

There is no, feasible, way to get out of this. The 'hit buff' forever ago, that 'broke dodging 4ever LOLZ' actually made the game more balanced than it had ever been, because dodge was so utterly stacked it was nigh impossible to hit. Except whenever you hit a possible 1% chance and insta-gibbed them because blessed OP.

Not only do they have utter dominance in the "YOU HAVE TO HIT ME. HUE HUE HUE!" portion, but they can translate that celerity of 82, DIRECTLY into damage with 0 effort. Rapid Kick utterly annihilated the MG, dealing about 140~ damage as an auto-hit... WITHOUT the Ice Greaves.

The fight was impossible to win on the MG's side, they pulled out as much stuff as they could, only being able to reach -10% after ANALYZING them for -16% dodge onto the enemy.

Hit: -9.81718%

This is absurd, and really had gone unchecked for way to long. Chaos and I did number crunching forever ago proving that Dodge was ovepowered and obscene, but I never really got to actually view it in play. To fight against a Kensei, you have to have the Kensei Innates so that you can even have a dream of hitting them.

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