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Unstable Bond
"Spiritual Bond" Wrote:Allows you to have Bonded Youkai and increases their maximum possible level (max. 60). The following conditions are required to have a Bonded Youkai.

Your total contracts must not exceed the Rank of this skill.
The friendship of that Youkai must be above average (50%).

If you do not satisfy the first condition, no Youkai you have will be treated as Bonded. If you do not satisfy the second condition, only the Youkai with low friendship will not be treated as Bonded.

The way I read this, if you have total contracts < Rank, you satisfy the first condition, which means your Youkai with the highest Friendship (regardless of the level of Friendship, meaning having one Youkai would mean that one is Bonded) is Bonded. But I guess I see your point, since having one Youkai means that it is simultaneously your lowest and highest Friendship rating.
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