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Intelligent Discourse: Engineer
Oh boy. Where to start with Engineer. There are just SO many things bad about this class that it's hard to pick out the good from the bad.. and I'll be posting kind of a bit on this one and Tactician since I play them rather often. So. Let's start off with the skills for ENGINEER.

Turret: Pretty good. It does a good chunk of unresistable damage.. but it's range is shit, and avoiding it is relatively EASY unless someone somehow locks you down. If you can dodge relatively well, never expect them to be a threat at all. Simply because they will never hit you.

Medibot: Godtier healing, if it can ever decide that it wants to heal the right person instead of running across the map. The fact it can't move and heal is, in and of itself, a travesty because once summoned it will pretty much never be able to reach anyone in time. Enjoy that.

Flamethrower: Good??? It's fire damage with 17+90% SKI damage... Too bad that isn't really that good, considering it's resistable and gives burned.. and is a line attack... and fire. Yeah no, this skill sucks ass considering.

METALAEGIS: SO YOU THINK THIS SHITS GONNA BE GOOD, DO YOU? WELL LET ME TELL YOU. It's 'okay'. Enjoy people utterly shredding it to bits though. If you're fighting against a mage, might as well just sigh and sit for your magical death to be handed out. Oh wait, Evasion is a thing now so it.. should be fine..

Grenade Launcher: Possibly the worst promoted skill in the entire actual game. Why you ask? It actually deals 4-12 damage unresistable FIRE damage to all enemies within a 3 square, circle, whatever area. Costs 14 FP. Oh boy, it also gets a 75% boost to its damage if you buy the bomb upgrades! Which cost 5 SP. for +20 damage to every bomb in the game. Which already have shit damage. So this one changes from 4-12 to.. 19-27... for 10 SP, more or less. This skill will NEVER be good enough to want to use in its current state.

Repair: That's some good A+ quality shit... If you're healing a Mechanation. SKI*2 is pretty much always good and on someone with it if you're in range. It also heals your bots habits of dying horrendous, mutilated deaths.

Upgrade: I've nothing wrong with this skill. It doesn't last nearly long enough, but it makes your shitty bots SOMEWHAT better. They're still shit, sadly.

Bashfix: Because I really wanted to use an axe to fix my bots. Cool job on making it cure a number of status effects that are just shit anyways. Oh, also. You can still blind turrets which is dumb as hell. Enjoy them never being able to hit*2 now.

Salvage: Okay. Salvage actually is a really cool concept! Your shit bot's about to die? WELL SPEND 1M TO GET RID OF THAT SHIT AND GAIN SOME FP BACK. That's great, and somewhat.. conservative. I guess. Recycling parts. Makings it a good skill, just hope you have enough stuff to handle all this.. or that your bots don't insta-gib themself from stupidity/inability to move.

Overclock: Cool. Somehow runs out, lasts for 3 rounds and if it dies, gives a small 'fuck you' gift to everyone around it. Pretty good, makes some bots (see: Medbot/Turret) not nearly as useless. Turret will still be useless because it'll choose the target it can't hit.. forever. Medbot will just spam heal, which is nice. So, it's good.

Good Materials: Good shit meme here.

Toolbelt: Goodshit meme..?

Technological Marvel: GOOD A+ SHIT MEME. No seriously, this will let you actually be ABLE to hold all of these skills, even if 95% of them are useless.

Explosive Art: Literally a waste of SP.

Pure Genius: Okay.

Special Delivery: It's.. okay? I guess. It lets you heal from afar, which is nice if you have the items.

SO. With that out of the way. They have no skills besides relying HEAVILY on their bots, which suck ass versus dodgers, and sucks ass versus tanks that can actually manage to outspeed/maneuver properly. No seriously, if you have a tank that can move at all, they'll never get hit by one if they do hit/run.

How do we fix some of this shit?

Turrets: Give them more base accuracy on their weapon. These creatures should be able to stand on their own versus a target with the assistance of an Engineer. Maybe let us MOUNT a turret to fire it manually with bonuses to our stats, etc. It'd be a neat combination concept that helps us blast the fuck out of people. Upgrade/Overclock shouldn't be the only way for them to hit targets and the like. Reduce their defense, if you have to. They have a shitton of it anyways.

Medibots: Okay. Make it so that they can move, then heal. Reduce their movement maybe and make it possible for them to double move, but NOT double heal in a round. Give them an ability to remove negative status effects if the target is at a certain % of HP, to give the most optimal health care.

Aegis: Uh... Make.. them soak some of the damage of a.. magic attack..? Honestly, this was kind of a really shitty bot and I'm not sure how to help it. It'll pretty much miss everyone but a tank, and it's defense/res are so god damn high that it makes me cry. Tag that alongside how, more or less, it's useless if your opponent decides to stand away from you, or shove you away from your lil tank pet.. well.. Yeah. I'm seriously NOT sure how to fix this thing.

Flamethrower: 17+90% SKI fire damage in a line is bad. It may SEEM good, but.. it's resistable. It's fire damage, and 90% of 80 SKI is like. 72. so 17+72.. 87... Obligatory 10-20% Fire resist knocks that down a lot.. then in comes defense. If they're a dodger, or have evasion, that'll be some more loss.. if you can't manage to hit it. So yeah. Not the best skill in the world. Change it to 70% SKI at max with unresistable fire damage. Should make it more worthwhile, if a bit of a back breaking skill against tanks, which Engineers (seem) to have a hard on for.

Grenade Launcher: The skill is like trying to make a grenade. But.. instead of having it be a grenade. It's a tiny tiny firecracker. 4-12 damage, with 75% extra to raise it up (for the high high cost of 5 SP on an already SP hungry class), makes it VERY strange. Not only 'strange' but very bad. The damage itself is.. well. Here, have a thread that went into this more. It's pretty decent.

Bashfix: The other two yellow skills are good. Except this one. It really needs to give some immunity to the status effect that you JUST cured.. or something. You're forced to wield an axe for gods sake.

Explosive Art: Bombs suck shit and there is a thread about why they suck shit somewhere on the forums. For the low low price of 5 SP in a hungry class, you can make them deal... wait for it.. 20 more damage. THATS TERRIBLE. Make this shit scale on your SKI. Oh, you spend 5 SP in this shit? hoLLLY FUCKING SHIT YOU GET... Like. Iuno. 50% of your skill added to the damage. That'd be cool to see.


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