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New Racials
These are by no means necessary, and players CAN opt out of the bonuses on character creation. < They can later pick them up if they wish. >


Humans suck ass. They really do. So, to offset this, Talents are rewarded an extra 1 every 4-5 levels, netting them quite a few more by the end. Those talented little rascals.


Kaelens are good. A bit to good, to be honest. Changing their racial trait to be a 75% chance to not become blinded, or blind has a 75% effect, instead of the full effect/no effect. This can be further lowered with Blind Fighting to have it affect you with 25% of the original penalty instead of 50%. With this balance issue solved...

For balancing out this change, the Kaelens extra, I'm thinking of a Rank, or two, of Preparation. Kind of along the lines of "They hunt for their food". Could also have it be a rank or two of Scout due to good eyes.


Elves are already extremely good at what they do, and are generally extremely educated. They gain 2 ranks in Fluency.


I can't really think of much to say here other than they gain the rogue's incognito ability as a 'natural' thing when in combat. Meaning enemies are less likely to attack them over allies. If no other targets are present, this doesn't do anything. Maybe even give them +1/2 Sneak talent ranks


Feeding outside of combat sounds fine, if from a willing participant. They got buffed recently to lower their holy weakness, so they're kind of fine as is right now.


Maybe a Horn Ram racial attack that let those lovely zerans batter/gore people. Also could give them the ability to sense RES/WIL/Elemental Absorbs and Resitances < but not weaknesses >


Okay. Lich has very. Very. Shitty racials. So exploring more on the mana shield idea, let's see how this goes.

With the Mana Shield, you force out a shield of pure mana to surround your body and to take blows for you. Taking up 50% of your current FP, it lowers your max to half of your maximum while active. This is added as a 'buffer' for damage taken. So if you have 600 FP, 300 of that is turned into the shield, leaving you with 300 left over. And that 300 shield, for every 1 damage you take, it takes 1.5 instead. Turning it into a 200 HP shield, in essence.

It is toggleable, and if you toggle it off, you lose the buff and regain the max total FP, however you are STILL at a whatever FP amount you were at. < IE: You were at 240/300, and turned it back on, you'd be at 240/600. > If your mana shield is BROKEN, you cannot turn it off or regain the 50% max FP you lost in turning it on. You can unsummon it to 'restore' its FP level, but it generally won't do you much good unless you turn it off when it's low and regen a lot of FP.


Glykins are kind of lacking, to be blunt. They're really connected to Gylcon and their heritage, a lot of the time, netting them with a +X Devotion Rank bonus.


Wyverntouched bring good health wherever they go! Should they choose to absorb someone's poison, that person should be immune to poison for a few turns.


Hyattr's are naturally attuned to the innerworkings of fire. Gain X rank(s) of Pyromancy.


Mechanations are keen of keeping themselves maintained if they don't have a master. Gain X rank(s) of Maintenance.


Doriads are in such harmony with nature that they can actually shut their eyes, letting their feet in contact with the earth, and sense out what herbs/wood is good and which is bad. +40% harvesting chance.

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