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[Item] Bodyguard Nerf
So, as it stands. Bodyguards are the .best. heavy armor in the entire game. Take damage that does over half your current health? REDUCE THAT DAMAGE BY HALF. That effect, right there, is why its so .overpoweringly. good. I don't know how to fix this *** star item to make it more in line with its rarity other than tossing it to 9-10 star rarity < But that doesn't help since. yknow. Everyone has atleast one. >

Reposting this from old forums.

Basically though, it becomes so overwhelmingly good because half of current hp, rather than max. Which means that when someone gets on the lower end of HP, it's still gonna trigger from low damage multi-hits. Which, isn't exactly a BAD thing since Multi-hits need to have their damage halved based on TOTAL damage dealt to their opponent rather than each individual hit but I digress.

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