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New rule regarding crime
Okay, a few things.

One, I think you should be able to fight and initiate fights in town, but not without punishment.

Two, I would prefer it if a standard were put in place for 'how long can a fight go on before a guard will likely interfere'. Someone running up to you, stabbing you in the guts, then running is hard to react to, but a prolonged spar would receive more attention.

Three, IC events should be able to be put into place to allow for an extension on the amount of time a guard takes to arrive at a scene, including but not limited to causing a distraction, a larger imminent threat, the scale of the crime/fight, the location, etc.

The reasoning for this is I don't want a regression into the cesspit that was SL1's starting town, where everyone would hang out forever and pvp was literally impossible. It is something that stopped me from playing the game because it tossed the validity of any threat straight out the window and was completely immersion breaking.

On a side note, thanks for clarifying the difference between OOC and IC harassment, Ryu, and denying the ability to use OOC to influence IC actions in such a circumstance.

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