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Hand of the Giant, Unfairly over powered.
All of the items information i got from the 10* list. { ]

increased str by ul/2 thats 12 str, 6 if offhanded
4 tile knock back.
Knockdown on crit.

Assuming they are fighting mobs, the mob will only be able to move in most cases, Mobs almost never crit, And assuming they have 7, thats 4 from getting up, 3 to move in range to attack, 1 left over, they can't attack and they just get knocked back again. A npcs only hope is a mage the like the spatials.
Assuming they are fighting a pc, They can hit and knockback the target, sidecut won't reach unless you are using voltiger or rage(wind) enchant, or a skill like hanging. This is fine as it plays into a tactical part of fighting other players. But when you add both knock down and back on top of each other... You likely won't have voltiger since you probably didnt dodge, considering they knocked you away by this point. So a duelists only means to attack back is to use crystal rose since you had already spent 3 getting up. If they run a sub class with eviter, stalemate, evasion, etc. They can reduce the damage signifigantly, and since the duelist only has once attack at this point -Crystal rose- it's basically one sided and can vary depending on your sub class.

Now Compared to the Mortisimo...

1+UL(24)=25 sound damage, and only while they are feared.

First complaint.
Both of these fists are 10 stars, the first one boosts its own str, which boosts its damage, knocks anything and everything away, And knocksdown if they crit, which would be easy to do as they can ignore that small 10% def scaling, go pure str, ski, and luck, then spec into dodging.
The 2nd one only applies its bonus under very situational or gimmicky conditions.
This seems really unbalanced as both are 10 star fists and one is clearly better.

Anchor Edge
increases its atk size by 2 at max ul
pulls in enemies 2 tiles
Inflicts immobilize on crit.

Second Complaint
Compared to the fist, they are similar. the anchor edge should be able to hit someone using the fist considering it's Ul potentials regarding range.
However compared to it as well, It's still theoretically inferior. It doesn't increase a stat that it uses reducing its overall damage, Then comparing immobilize to knockdown, Immobilize still allows the opponent 2-3 actions, where as knock down only allows 1-2, 3 IF you're a martial artist.
So right now, it seems the only way to counter fist of the giant is to be a martial artist, or to use anchor edge and immobilize them.

UL% chance to stun.

Final Complaint
Like the mortisimo, its highly under powered for a 10* A 1 in 4 chance to stun compared to a garranteed knockdown on a crit from the hotg.
with a high crit chance build, thats 3 less M EVERY turn if they don't have the trait.
Unless you're playing a crit build thats 1 attack every turn.
if the hotg user is running crit evade, good luck with that.
Back to the skull caver, idk much about stun and how it works, But i think it auto ends your turn. It'd be a bit harsher if it procs so i can understand the lower proc rate, Since if you do get stunned you can't recover that turn. But like i mentioned before, it also doesnt improve its own stats that it scales with like the Hotg.

Summary and Solution
We don't really need to change much of the other items, as much as we simply need to nerf the Hotg a little bit.
increased str by ul/2 thats 12 str, 6 if offhanded - I'd suggest removing this completly as none of the other [On Crit] weapons have anything like it.
4 tile knock back. - Despite primarily running duelist myself, I wouldn't change this, it makes sense to have that tactical edge over some if not most other melee types. It shouldn't be that easy to counter this knockback, voltiger, hanging, kensei skills, soldier skills, i can think of alot of ways to attack back if you don't want to waste M moving.
Knockdown on crit. - I'd suggest changing this to 2+UL%, that way builds with high crit chance can't spam it and a little luck is involved. it's still a really high chance as it's a 1 out of 2 odds. The chance is still higher then skull caver, as i mentioned earlier, i think stun would be even more of a pain to deal with since you can't recover as well as you can against knockdown.
Needs some new effect, it's really underwhelming for a 10 star, Or change it's rarity.

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