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Antagonist Guide - Polk
I don't even play a single lesbian... Sad
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All your lesbians are in relationships, not single.
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(12-14-2022, 07:41 AM)Poruku Wrote: Bryce_Hego
Quote:There's almost nothing about SL2 ganks that contribute to really anything good

I think most of your points stem from this, and honestly that's fine. I understand that not everyone will respond well to ganking. I try to be understanding and make sure it's fun for the other side as well, but in the end this might happen. Being an antagonist means knowing your audience, and that's why you need to be cautious when interacting with others to try gleaning whether they are enjoying it or forcing themselves. Still, there's a fun and spontaneous element to ganking that I enjoy, and I know many others do, as well. I don't plan on stopping ganking entirely, but I'll take your post into consideration.

As a note, no, we don't gank people with optimized comps. I like to just play whatever build I feel like making.

Even with unoptimized builds ganks are still genuinly oppressive because 2 is twice as much as 1. Momentum economy has always gone crazy and a whole extra player is almost always way more effective than a summon or engineer bot. You'll usually be able to turn any fight into a recreation of any jujutsu kaisen gank. Again, Antagonists can get an eventmin boost to deal with the staggering odds of a gank, but anyone else is ineligable for that kind of treatment.

Consent only does so much for mitigating the salt or complete drops in motivation. New players tend to go in with a mentality of don't knock it till you try it, and can feel pressured even when the choice to omit is given directly to them. Once the Danger Level 2+ Kicks in post battle they might be feeling bullied and unwelcome. Anyone that holds themselves accountable OOC will also consent, regardless if they think they have some chance of winning or not, leading to bitterness and salt with consequences they didn't want but got to deal with uncontested.

Hell I hate the thought of 2+ characters I don't know ganking me on a low end character, but I would still let it happen unless I thought it was metagamed, and I'd still probably get salty unless I somehow clutch (I won't)
Sawrock is a cool antag to most people but I have not interacted with their characters much especially since Korvara came out. I just firmly stand by the idea that randomly ganking someone is a completely un-necessary way to establish yourself. If you're in a rush to get your name out there as a baddy that's the easiest way to end up with "heros" breathing down your neck ready for the chance to murder you, and I don't think that's a great narrative for either party, the gank victims or the soon to be deceased antagonists the moment a party looking for them appears.

Of course my argument isn't that killing a player is a taboo, but half the time it's handled poorly on RP games and I heavily believe a ganking mindset will only fuel more oceans of salt and hate than anything else on the long run. I'd honestly go so far as to say that you shouldn't be ganking a character you have not already met on your own and established a prior reason leading into it. Planned ganks especially when the victim is kino with it are of no issue of course.

I also will say that I don't mind sporadic conflict of any kind. It is exciting, like you say. I just don't like "hey you walked into the wrong spot and have a 100% chance of getting fucked up unless you take the offer to omit and leave." What even is the angle of that? I guess there's some powerful muggers out here, never know if that resource cave you like visiting is infested with the buggers.

Edit: I will note that Sawrock offering ways to creatively escape post gank is actually extremely commendable and does solve a lot of issues. Though usually once a danger level is called the victim has no right to deny it. It is important to take note that the people reading your flowchart are not you and sawrock, and can take completely different meanings and approaches to what is given. In my case, I could very easily take a good chunk of it and find that it is in favor of ganking of any variety with being a good sport with your victim optional.
Frankly, I'm disappointed with some of the responses in the thread which are just low effort insults towards someone who obviously put a lot of time into their post. Whether or not you agree with the style of antagonism or the content of the guide, or you have middling opinions of the OP's characters and style, or even if you support him and think everyone else is stuck in a hugbox; there's absolutely no excuse to present those opinions in a toxic way.

If you can't disagree and still remain respectful, like Imotep and Bryce have, then it'd probably be best not to reply at all.
Chief's player here. I enjoyed the interactions with Nizzik (Polk's necromancer who disputed with Duyuei), so I think he's a good example.

What bothers me about antagonists is when they require an immediate answer and continuous follow-up to their nefarious actions, so I'd recommend having them start interacting with sparse, non-authority characters before necessitating a response from the nation officially.

I also don't really like mechanical PvP. I much prefer heated conversation, especially since it doesn't deserve immediate death compared to attempting murder.

I'd suggest trying to aim for permanent, neutral effects somewhere or in someone rather than causing maximum mayhem to anyone aiming to be antagonistic. Also, seeing people give up their characters to death easily is a bit saddening, and comes off as not respecting the risk they put on the others that they attack, at least to me. Especially if they're unaffiliated, since they have nobody to answer to and almost become a mob.
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Although I'm fairly new to SL2 overall, I've had a good fun with the little I've seen of Polk's characters, so I can somewhat trust the thread to a degree. There's not a lot I disagree with, if not for the fact that you HAVE to end the story in some way, or that developing a char up to that point through the long means is not the way to do it, though again, that's up to personal preference. In the end, this is only for the player and doesn't really affect anyone other than them, and offers the overall same experience to the ones interacting with the antag. But besides that, I can just respect the fact people dedicate their time to make the masses have fun while enjoying it themselves, somewhat.

I'm always sort of thrilled at the announcement of another antag, since that means potential development for my character's / others's in some way, and I never felt like the number was too much. Again, as long as everything is agreed upon OOC as Polk said, there's no real issue, imo.
I feel like ganking especially for people who are looking to get into antagonist characters with no real prior reputation for it is a bit more detrimental than beneficial.

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike ganking. I think it gives moments for character growth for the person on the other side. But it is heavily dependent on WHO is getting ganked. Like has been mentioned, ganking a new player and making their first experience before 60 be getting ganked, is not a good first experience for them. Same with if someone's just in it for the RP, getting put into the mechanical side when they haven't built won't make them feel like: Oh! This antagonist is pretty cool!

They'll just be frustrated instead of it.

I won't pretend to be a god of antagonism or anything, since I'm not. I'm relatively inexperienced in this regard. But I don't feel like ganking is a good start to any one trying to get a foothold into being an antagonist.

But other than that, this does have some helpful advice for someone just starting out. But IMO, ganking just aint it.
[-] The following 4 users Like Bylamir's post:
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(12-14-2022, 05:24 PM)Bylamir Wrote: I feel like ganking especially for people who are looking to get into antagonist characters with no real prior reputation for it is a bit more detrimental than beneficial.

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike ganking. I think it gives moments for character growth for the person on the other side. But it is heavily dependent on WHO is getting ganked. Like has been mentioned, ganking a new player and making their first experience before 60 be getting ganked, is not a good first experience for them. Same with if someone's just in it for the RP, getting put into the mechanical side when they haven't built won't make them feel like: Oh! This antagonist is pretty cool!

They'll just be frustrated instead of it.

I won't pretend to be a god of antagonism or anything, since I'm not. I'm relatively inexperienced in this regard. But I don't feel like ganking is a good start to any one trying to get a foothold into being an antagonist.

But other than that, this does have some helpful advice for someone just starting out. But IMO, ganking just aint it.
Fair enough. I feel like there could be fighting RP done or ways to get around it, though, with OOC agreements

Such as fighting RP or such
I appreciate the effort you went to, putting all this forward! But I refuse to read any of the comments at this point, after the first few.
Just popped in to say. . . Thanks for taking the time to try and help people out! SL2 is full of new players these days.
[-] The following 3 users Like renowner's post:
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I'm pretty surprised to see that this thread got such a negative reaction. Regardless of if you agree or disagree, reading through the guide made and reflecting on why you agree or disagree, and what you would do with the advice presented, feels much more productive as a whole.

I'd also like to make a throwback to a guide I made myself a few years back. I'm noticing a lot of ad hominem and name-calling specifically, and I feel like this thread showcases the attitude which is making the game feel stale for so many.

It feels as if there's an emotional response to the term 'ganking', which isn't being recommended in DBRP style. Yes, PvP is highly divisive, but even in the original post, the importance of consenting to being attacked is mentioned. If you don't want to PvP, you can roll dice. If you don't want to engage in that kind of RP at all, you're free to say so; anyone interested in a good environment isn't going to force you to roleplay something you don't want, and that is touched upon.
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