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The Great Reckoning, Part 2 - A hint of things to come.
I have one, very important question.

Quote:The number of subpoints you can distribute is equal to the rank of the main talent * the number of SP it gives per Rank, rounded down. So, at Rank 2, my Blade Expertise gives me 3 SP to distribute. Again, this is unique to each talent; some give more, some give less. Also, the maximum rank of a main talent is now 10, instead of 3 or 5. Increasing the rank of a main talent still takes 1 Talent Point, and you still get 1 Talent Point per level.

Will the game itself tell us how much SP a talent gives per rank before we allocate the talent points, or would we need to double check on the forums? I ask because it could be a big deal to sink 10 talent points into something only to realize "Oops, this idea didn't work, not enough subpoints." Or would 10 Main Ranks basically always be enough to max everything out, if you really wanted to specialize and go balls to the wall in your chosen talents?

EDIT: I just noticed Marksmanship is 1 SP/Rank, not 1.5, so that answers my question about the Rank 10 thing. Answer: "No."

That said, I am hype. The hype is real. This is great, and thank you, Dev.
*loud burp*
"Ranylyn" Wrote:I have one, very important question.

Quote:The number of subpoints you can distribute is equal to the rank of the main talent * the number of SP it gives per Rank, rounded down. So, at Rank 2, my Blade Expertise gives me 3 SP to distribute. Again, this is unique to each talent; some give more, some give less. Also, the maximum rank of a main talent is now 10, instead of 3 or 5. Increasing the rank of a main talent still takes 1 Talent Point, and you still get 1 Talent Point per level.

Will the game itself tell us how much SP a talent gives per rank before we allocate the talent points, or would we need to double check on the forums? I ask because it could be a big deal to sink 10 talent points into something only to realize "Oops, this idea didn't work, not enough subpoints." Or would 10 Main Ranks basically always be enough to max everything out, if you really wanted to specialize and go balls to the wall in your chosen talents?

EDIT: I just noticed Marksmanship is 1 SP/Rank, not 1.5, so that answers my question about the Rank 10 thing. Answer: "No."

That said, I am hype. The hype is real. This is great, and thank you, Dev.
Actually, if you look at each Talent, Rank 10 provides enough points to max out every aspect of said talent. It seems to be a matter of, 'Do you want multiple talents with some progress, or a few talents maxed out?'

Anyways, the system looks nice so far. I'm going to hold my breath until the other talent categories are filled out, though.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
I actually didn't notice the max ranks on the Marksman perks weren't all 5, nice catch. I must have been sleepy when I read it.
*loud burp*
I added entries for the Elemental talents. They're pretty standard, not a whole lot complex or interesting, but it's similar to how the existing -mancy talents are, with some added bits and more elements to choose.

"Ranylyn" Wrote:I have one, very important question.

Quote:The number of subpoints you can distribute is equal to the rank of the main talent * the number of SP it gives per Rank, rounded down. So, at Rank 2, my Blade Expertise gives me 3 SP to distribute. Again, this is unique to each talent; some give more, some give less. Also, the maximum rank of a main talent is now 10, instead of 3 or 5. Increasing the rank of a main talent still takes 1 Talent Point, and you still get 1 Talent Point per level.

Will the game itself tell us how much SP a talent gives per rank before we allocate the talent points, or would we need to double check on the forums? I ask because it could be a big deal to sink 10 talent points into something only to realize "Oops, this idea didn't work, not enough subpoints." Or would 10 Main Ranks basically always be enough to max everything out, if you really wanted to specialize and go balls to the wall in your chosen talents?

EDIT: I just noticed Marksmanship is 1 SP/Rank, not 1.5, so that answers my question about the Rank 10 thing. Answer: "No."

That said, I am hype. The hype is real. This is great, and thank you, Dev.

Yes, the game will show you how much SP you get per Rank in the box in the bottom right when you mouse over them. It's different for each talent, but they're usually designed so that if you put 10 points in, you can fill everything out. Note that not every talent will be this way, but most of them are. Some may have excess subpoints at rank 10 as well, but since every talent can have up to 5 subpaths, the possibility of adding more subpaths is always there.
I have a couple things to add for the latest addition, since a couple of them lacked as many as the others.

For cryomancy, I think Celcius or frostbite would be good additions, as both of those are inflicted through status checks usually.

For aquamancy, a lot of water skills I find relate to silence.

That being said, I look forward to seeing the next set of talents.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I love the update! I do have to ask though...

Will dual element attacks count as one spell category?

Hexer spells count as their "main" damage type, rather than Hugeossan as a whole. Wretched Oil is Earth casting type, Dark water is Aquarian, etc.

Will we get to see these types of spells start acting as both types (and therein getting to be casted with either "PROFICIENCY" or Tome Paper type? It'd make life a lot easier if they counted as both, in general.
I added the Arcane category. It's pretty slim at the moment, and I probably could have filled it up more, but some of the other categories are ambitious and require more work than others, as people who saw the preview can attest. It's a good thing, too, because there's still a decent chunk of work left to be done. You'll see what I mean when I post the other categories, since they get a little more complicated, or at least War and Occult do.
bit sad that enchantment doesn't give a bonus to enchanting anymore, same with fluency losing its bonus to tome crafting....unless you got craft bonuses removed to make proper craft talents for them.
I'm sad that Fluency lost it's +2 WIL for having a tome equipped.
I'm curious how these changes will effect Enchantments that give you boosts to certain Talents. (i.e. Reaper's, Elemental Jewels, Tannin's, Pocketed, etc.)
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]

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