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Regarding Romek Pt. 2
"Breakaway~totheweird" Wrote:You did a pretty okay job at cutting the crap. However, yes, this is simply a call for action. I don't care how. Also, SL2 has 25 dedicated players. The other 20 or so are more than likely alts. Losing a large portion of the playerbase would be detrimental. We also need to sit back and realize that nothing happens when everyone sits on their hands and simply "accept" SL2 for its current state. It may have caused some strife, however the community's opinions need to be heard.

How long are your arms because you've REACHED so high at this point, bringing up unrelated situations left and right, over 75% of the people I've seen in the petition so far are people who basically quit SL2 a long time ago or just don't show up at all, This OOC shitfest started because someone need something to complain about, as for people sitting back and 'accepting' SL2, why do you think we play the game in the first place? We're not here to change the game to suit our needs exactly, and Dev is fully willing to listen to problems that occur when they are brought up by credible sources with a majority backing you up.

On a more related matter, why did we need a 2nd thread for this?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
SL2 is already robotic and boring. What was your point, again? It may have been lost in translation.

How long are your arms because you've REACHED so high at this point

- I have to question how this statement is remotely conductive to the conversation. Here's a hint: it isn't. Please refrain from being one of "those" people.

bringing up unrelated situations left and right, over 75% of the people I've seen in the petition so far are people who basically quit SL2 a long time ago or just don't show up at all

- Unrelated situations such as? Again, there's nothing here that benefits the conversation, other than you inserting your two cents and not showing proof of purchase. Yes, 75% of those people have quit (and felt that this was a topic to bring to light due to past issues related to metagaming/ godmodding), or a good portion of them are willing to quit.

This OOC shitfest started because someone need something to complain about, as for people sitting back and 'accepting' SL2, why do you think we play the game in the first place?

- Maybe a "shitfest" was necessary to make a point. Not everyone is going to sit back and let things blow over after this point. Just because you and a few others dislike conflict (which is surprising coming from you of all people) doesn't mean that shouldn't happen.

We're not here to change the game to suit our needs exactly, and Dev is fully willing to listen to problems that occur when they are brought up by credible sources with a majority backing you up.

- No, the people here and the people who were disgruntled enough to say anything, or sign the petition, want some improvements. The only reason this has gone to such lengths is because those same people felt unheard, and at one point, this was the best way to speak up.

On a more related matter, why did we need a 2nd thread for this?

Dev said that those not directly involved with the situation shouldn't post on the topic. It was brought elsewhere out of common courtesy of his request.

P.S. Want me to cut out the hippy, feel-good bullshit? Feel free to take it up with me in PMs.
[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
"Breakaway~totheweird" Wrote:SL2 is already robotic and boring. What was your point, again? It may have been lost in translation.

[Image: 04311cc25c554a13b64f69f533b0d1f6.png]
[Image: c00c32fb48f440a79ab04ede8018e2ff.png]
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Dear Koonie: Okay.
[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
Let's just lock this USELESS thread before it becomes ridiculous. Yes? Yes.

A permabanned GM, three bug abusers/dupers, and miss drunkard are behind this, what's this now? Brazil's impeachment day roleplay? KEK...

Dave, Sarah and Dev are already talking, no need to use their issues to try and make some 'revolution drama' to overthrow the GMs from their positions here. (Hey, read what both posted, they don't even give a fuck to the other's opinions right now. Lololo!)

[Image: CoWZ05t.gif]

And as always, I'll see YOU, in the next video! Bye bye!
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Please contribute in a more constructive manner.

However, yes, it should probably be locked to shut the memers up.
[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
I knew this was going to blow up and that I'd wake up to a big thread, but no matter. To be honest, I'm disappointed too. I'm disappointed that so many people wanted to string up Sarah for metagaming (in an instance that wasn't even metagaming, just not wanting to omit RP that already occurred, albeit for questionable reasons) but are perfectly fine with Egil metagaming ignoring guards and warnings that his character would be executed, just because he is their friend. It's hypocritical, honestly (and as I've pointed out in my own thread, in a few specific instances).;t=3149
Remember this topic that Egil made about consequences that come from roleplaying? I think he should, most of all, also understand what happens when you ignore warnings that you will be executed if you perform a violent crime, and then go and shoot someone in the face. Wanting to weasel out of it is nonsense, and it's his character's own fault that it happened. It would be one thing if his character was on the run, Sarah metagamed his location and arrived with a bunch of guards to arrest him in his hideout, but nothing of the sort happened here.

Egil metagamed, plain and simple, and now he's paying the price. He knew full well he wasn't supposed to spar at the arena, and I'm sure he was told that NPC guards were posted at the arena. You can say 'well it's easy to forget' but considering that's not been mentioned at all in any of the logs I've read it's a flimsy excuse. If anything the logs I've been shown tell me that he knew full well what he was getting into (even saying, I quote, 'If I die I die'). So again; no sympathy from me. Roleplay happened, it didn't get 'omitted' (which is a stupid concept 90% of the time, IMO), but it should be considered null because he got himself caught and he doesn't want to die OOC, and because a bunch of his friends are trying to intimidate me by threatening to leave? These same people who want to crucify the GMs for some bias they perceive them to have are the ones who want to let Egil off the hook because they're buddies.

Sorry, but that's what I find really messed up here. It's a sad, scary day for me when I wake up and find that Snake is being one of the most rational people in this thread. Furthermore there are a bunch of dubious accusations being thrown around about how bad the GMs/Chaos/guards are but funnily enough no one's contacted me about it with any information until now, which means one of three things;

1) They're overblowing the situation they are describing and/or omitting details.
2) It was already resolved in a way they found satisfactory.
3) It's BS.

So let me break down this petition.

"Petition" Wrote:To have Romek's arrest appealed.

Absolutely not. It was well deserved and stemmed from roleplay that the player of Romek himself engaged.

"Petition" Wrote:Acknowledgement that majority opinion that aforementioned examples are violations of the game's ruling system, including metagaming.

Except the majority opinion here is trying to convince me that Egil somehow wasn't metagaming, so I am afraid we will have to disagree on principle.

"Petition" Wrote:Reprimending of staff for their lack of executing proper procedures in regards to these violations.

I've seen nothing suggesting the staff didn't handle this situation patiently, which is more than I can say for the players involved.

"Petition" Wrote:Banning the involved parties who have violated the game's ruling system for a set amount of time.

I can ban Egil for a while if you want but I'm not sure that's what you were getting at.

"Petition" Wrote:Reconsidering those appointed as Gms/ admins for the game.

I would be happy to, when provided with evidence that someone in such a position requires reconsideration. Unfortunately most of the people who complain to me are people I've found, after investigation, to be breaking the rules/previous cheaters/etc. Which should be obvious, since the GMs are still in their positions.

Now, let me lay out the facts of this case.

1) Egil, knowing full well that he might get arrested and have his character be executed, chose to go to the arena and sparred, despite knowing that his character was not allowed to and that there were NPC guards stationed there. (Thereby metagaming.)
2) Egil's character proceeded to shoot Sarah's character in the face at the end of this spar.
3) They both heal a bit and another spar takes place. Psych's character shows up and tells them to stop what they're doing. The spar ends and Psych's character begins arresting Romek.
4) Several guard players were contacted on Skype to come help deal with the situation, but were unavailable. This was an IC request for backup as Romek was known to resist arrest.
5) At this point, since the only online guard player was not immediately available, Sarah got on her guard character to assist in the arrest in case there were combat.
5a) This, I understand, is a conflict of interest and shouldn't have happened (just like this entire situation frankly). Maybe she was asked by Psych, I'm not sure, but as far as I know, all her character did was get witness reports and observed the arrest, which Romek did not resist to. Still shouldn't have been done, however.
6) Romek gets arrested, the GMs decide to uphold his execution. Romek's player hears this wants to omit the events. Sarah does not want to omit (because OOCly she wants Romek dead; which is bad, you shouldn't let OOC affect IC, although ultimately omitting is an OOC decision. Not to mention the idea of omitting is idiotic 90% of the time).
6a) No, you don't get to omit RP because it ended badly for you.
7) The situation stalls and everyone gets into a big fight on the forums.

Egil is guilty of: Metagaming.
Sarah is guilty of: Getting on a secondary character becoming involved in a situation that involves her first character.

You want me to;

1) Let Egil off the hook. (Hypocritical)
2) Punish Sarah. (Somewhat reasonable on its own but hypocritical because of the above.)
3) Dismantle the GM team. (Unrelated.)

I'm not sure what more you want me to say. I've tried to spell out how ridiculous this situation is several times in the two hours it's taken me to write this post. I'm very sorry if it upsets some of you, but this topic has done nothing to change my mind.
Can we ban someone for forging my signature?
I wouldn't have any way of knowing who it was.
I know its just a dream

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