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Suggestion: Magical Musician (Bard)
After all Musician and Magician are just two letters away.


3 Momentum
Aria of Agility: You play a song of agility that actually does what is saying filling the air with wind magic helping your allies.
-Rank 1: Cel +2
-Rank 2: Cel +4
-Rank 3: Cel +6
-Rank 4: Cel +8
-Rank 5: Cel +10

3 Momentum
Dance of Defenses: A song that strengthens the resistance of outside elements with a veil of sound. (Enemies only lose 10%)
-Rank 1: 20% Wind, 20%Fire
-Rank 2: 20% Earth, 20%Ice
-Rank 3: 20% Water, 20%Lightning

3 Momentum
Samba of Strength
-Rank 1: Str+2
-Rank 2: Str+4
-Rank 3: Str+6
-Rank 4: Str+8
-Rank 5: Str+10

4 Momentum
Serenade of Skill
-Rank 1: Ski+2
-Rank 2: Ski+4
-Rank 3: Ski+6
-Rank 4: Ski+8
-Rank 5: Ski+10

6 Momentum
Melody of Momentum: Grant Allies Momentum for 2 Turns in a unique spell
-Rank 1: 1 Momentum
-Rank 2: 2 Momentum
-Rank 3: If the target has no more Momentum grant them 4 and end your turn but decrease the duration by 1.

4 Momentum
Tune of Toughness
-Rank 1: Def+2 +Res+2
-Rank 2: Def+4
-Rank 3: Def+6 +Res+4
-Rank 4: Cel +8
-Rank 5: Cel +10 +Res+6

3 Momentum
Song of Healing
-Rank 1: 10+Sound Atk
-Rank 2: 15+Sound Atk
-Rank 3: 20+Sound Atk
-Rank 4: 25+Sound Atk
-Rank 5: 30+Sound Atk

4 Momentum
Ballad of Belief
-Rank 1: Wil+2 +Fai+2
-Rank 2: Wil+4
-Rank 3: Wil+6 +Fai+4
-Rank 4: Wil+8
-Rank 5: Wil+10 +Fai+6


2 Momentum
Floating Flute: You can only have one magical instrument active at a time. Songs played with the floating flute deals wind damage based on rank. It also inscreases your wind atk and allies effected by your songs by rank*3. Basic attacks while unarmed deal magical wind damage based on rank instead.
-Rank 1: 4+Sound Attack
-Rank 2: 8+Sound Atk
-Rank 3: 12+Sound Atk

3 Momentum
Lightning Lute: You can only have one magical instrument active at a time. Songs played with the lightning lute deals wind damage based on rank. It also increases your lightning atk and allies effected by your songs by rank*3. Basic attacks while unarmed deal magical lightning damage based on rank instead.

3 Momentum
Burning Bass Guitar: You can only have one magical instrument active at a time. Songs played with the Burning Bass Guitar deals wind damage based on rank. It also inscreases your fire atk and allies effected by your songs by rank*3. Basic attacks while unarmed deal magical wind damage based on rank instead.
-Rank 1: 4+Sound Attack
-Rank 2: 8+Sound Atk
-Rank 3: 12+Sound Atk

Dark Drums: You can only have one magical instrument active at a time. Songs played with the Dark Drums deals dark damage based on rank. It also inscreases your dark atk and allies effected by your songs by rank*3. Basic attacks while unarmed deal magical dark damage based on rank instead.
-Rank 1: 4+Sound Attack
-Rank 2: 8+Sound Atk
-Rank 3: 12+Sound Atk

Amplify: Deal sound damage based on Rank to a target in song range. The target gets bell ringing status, sound damage and song skills deal twice the damage to the target.
-Rank 1: Sound Atk
-Rank 2: 6+Sound Atk
-Rank 3: 12+Sound atk

Concert of Chaos: sing or play a song of complete chaos dealing darkness damage based on rank. All enemies and allies in the gain Rage, and points based on Rage based talents. (30 to Rage energy ect.)
-Rank 1: sound atk+60% of Dark atk
-Rank 2: sound atk+90% of Dark atk
-Rank 3: sound atk+120% Dark atk

Yimigo: An all powerful sound spell causing a sonic boom to send a target flying backwards dealing sound damage based on rank, and a chance to KD target at Rank*3%
-Rank 1:Will+100% Sound atk
-Rank 2:Will+110% Sound atk
-Rank 3:Will+130% Sound atk

Calamity Concert: The greatest thing about magical instruments is the ability to change the tune and nature unlike other intruments. The Musician plays a concert summoning magical notes that slam into all enemies in song range. Dealing Damage based on Rank.
-Rank 1:60%Sound Atk +40%Water Atk +40%+Fire atk +40% Dark Atk +40%Light atk +40%Lightning Atk
-Rank 2:65%Sound Atk +50%Water Atk +50%+Fire atk +50% Dark Atk +50%Light atk +50%Lightning Atk
-Rank 3:70%Sound Atk +60%Water Atk +60%+Fire atk +60% Dark Atk +60%Light atk +60%Lightning Atk
-Rank 4:75%Sound Atk +70%Water Atk +70%+Fire atk +70% Dark Atk +70%Light atk +70%Lightning Atk
-Rank 5:80%Sound Atk +80%Water Atk +80%+Fire atk +80% Dark Atk +80%Light atk +80%Lightning Atk


Calming Call: You play a smoothing sound that calms down all enemies and has a Luck based chance to pacify them for turns based on Rank+1
-Rank 1: 40 FP
-Rank 2: 35 FP
-Rank 3: 20 FP

Mental Music: If you have no weapon equipped magic instruments gain 30 power when using Musician skills, and basic attacking. If this is in you skillpool you also gain bonuses from songs.
-Rank 1: Learn Skill
-Rank 2: Doesn't take a spot

Encore: All Musicians live for the encore if a ally defeats an enemy while effected by a song they gain 10+Rank* unstoppable magic damage to basic attacks for Rank+1 Turns. You also recover stats based on Rank.
-Rank 1: 5 FP 5 HP
-Rank 2: 10 FP 10 HP
-Rank 3: 15 FP 15 HP
-Rank 4: 20 FP 20 HP
-Rank 3: 30 FP 30 HP

Artistic Agility: If the Musician has unarmored armor on, or none at all and they are under the effect of a Song they gain 20% Magic Res and Physical Res for the songs Duration -1 Turn.
-Rank 1: Learn Skill
-Rank 2: Doesn't take a spot

Magical Notes: Each time a you enchant a ally with a song your allies recover 5 FP.
-Rank 1: Learn Skill
-Rank 2: Doesn't take a spot

Chaotic Notes: When using Concert of Chaos run a Sanc check to inflict confusion on enemies. When enchanted with a magical instruments songs played while activate grants chance based on their LV to inflict status effects (Burning Ect.)
-Rank 1: Learn Skill
-Rank 2: Doesn't take a spot

Melancholy: Enemies are effective with reverse buffing stats of songs for 3 Turns.
-Rank 1: Learn Skill
-Rank 2: Doesn't take a spot

Read Music: Allows you to use Song Skills and increases song range based on Rank
-Rank 1: 3 Range
-Rank 2: 5 Range
-Rank 3: 7 Rank

Loud Musician: A good musician knows how to be loud with it.
-Rank 1: +1 San +1 Wil
-Rank 2: +1 San +1 Wil
-Rank 3: +1 San +1 Wil
-Rank 4: +1 San +1 Wil
-Rank 5: +1 San +1 Wil

Trained Ears: A Musician is used to loud music and gains resistance to it based on Rank.
-Rank 1: 10% Sound Res
-Rank 2: 20% Sound Res
-Rank 3: 30% Sound Res
This won't work. I know what you're going for, but how about no?

"Musicka" Wrote:Calamity Concert: The greatest thing about magical instruments is the ability to change the tune and nature unlike other intruments. The Musician plays a concert summoning magical notes that slam into all enemies in song range. Dealing Damage based on Rank.
-Rank 1:60%Sound Atk +40%Water Atk +40%+Fire atk +40% Dark Atk +40%Light atk +40%Lightning Atk
-Rank 2:65%Sound Atk +50%Water Atk +50%+Fire atk +50% Dark Atk +50%Light atk +50%Lightning Atk
-Rank 3:70%Sound Atk +60%Water Atk +60%+Fire atk +60% Dark Atk +60%Light atk +60%Lightning Atk
-Rank 4:75%Sound Atk +70%Water Atk +70%+Fire atk +70% Dark Atk +70%Light atk +70%Lightning Atk
-Rank 5:80%Sound Atk +80%Water Atk +80%+Fire atk +80% Dark Atk +80%Light atk +80%Lightning Atk

This being the biggest imo
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]
Y-Yeah nooooo. . .

6 Momentum
Melody of Momentum: Grant Allies Momentum for 2 Turns in a unique spell
-Rank 1: 1 Momentum
-Rank 2: 2 Momentum
-Rank 3: If the target has no more Momentum grant them 4 and end your turn but decrease the duration by 1.

This means a person with Tactician starts with 9 momentum, if it's a duelist and they counter-attack someone before their turn, the start with ELEVEN MOMENTUM.

I don't think I have to go into why that's a bad idea, but, also, -Rank 3: If the target has no more Momentum grant them 4 and end your turn but decrease the duration by 1.

If this person is a duelist and hasn't triggered fleur that round. . .and triggers it with an attack, they get TWO attacks after their round SHOULD be over.
Well its not for the Bard to actually gain the effect himself.
"iStabOreos" Wrote:This won't work. I know what you're going for, but how about no?

"Musicka" Wrote:Calamity Concert: The greatest thing about magical instruments is the ability to change the tune and nature unlike other intruments. The Musician plays a concert summoning magical notes that slam into all enemies in song range. Dealing Damage based on Rank.
-Rank 1:60%Sound Atk +40%Water Atk +40%+Fire atk +40% Dark Atk +40%Light atk +40%Lightning Atk
-Rank 2:65%Sound Atk +50%Water Atk +50%+Fire atk +50% Dark Atk +50%Light atk +50%Lightning Atk
-Rank 3:70%Sound Atk +60%Water Atk +60%+Fire atk +60% Dark Atk +60%Light atk +60%Lightning Atk
-Rank 4:75%Sound Atk +70%Water Atk +70%+Fire atk +70% Dark Atk +70%Light atk +70%Lightning Atk
-Rank 5:80%Sound Atk +80%Water Atk +80%+Fire atk +80% Dark Atk +80%Light atk +80%Lightning Atk

This being the biggest imo

Well it has no weapon scaling. I didn't put weapon scaling in for a reason so but you have a point I should drop it but its mostly a thought not like I actually understand SL's damage scaling 100%
This won't work at all, as long as Sound is tied to SAN. Bard possibilities got screwed over there, since SAN is the bane of Corrupted.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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