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Evasion For All
Another thought is making it half-effective versus magic and only getting the full DR if you have Rogue's Evasion buff. But that is if RES + elemental resist is too much with Evasion I guess? Might fit the whole "magic is incredibly fast, but Rogues can be fast and tricky."
[Image: Fern22.gif]
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"Raigen.Convict" Wrote:After seeing how hard my judgement blade still hits for with soul chains active vs a 54 res target with a wraithgaurd on top (103 or so) Evasion must affect magic. Period. Most magic classes either have enough elements or damage bonuses with effects that they can push through resistances when properly built for.
How about we get a less tunneled baseline for spell damage. Like, for instance, more than one spell. Especially spells that aren't enjoying an inate 50% damage boost.
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[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
yes, this is blissey i locked myself out of my account so i'll be posting with this temporarily.

Anyway, I'm all for global Evasion when it comes to magic (at least, the non-AOE ones), but if this is going to be a thing, then mages should not have to rely on SKI to hit for full damage. Mages should not have to invest harshly into SKI to become viable (and even though they somewhat are, they are still blanching in comparison to other classes as a whole). I personally wouldn't mind SKI playing a role, but not solely. I may not PVP or PVE anymore, but someday I might, and I'd rather not have my spells nerfed more than half the time by 50% just because my mage isn't an ice mage. Tying WIL into the equation would be nice, even if WIL already gives some elemental resistances and feeds the skill/spell pool and FP pool.

(and no, I'm not talking about Mavis.)
We'll first need to see if magic will or not be heavily affected by this, to then try and think about balance, tbh. This is what experimental updates are there for.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I'd say leave it to effect magic, like it's current use, and if its somehow borked after that we can adjust it all later.

Not to mention, I think enough people have problems with magic as is, mostly due to a lack of anti-mages being built and rather people instead building to snuff out physical damage dealers.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Spoops" Wrote:Not to mention, I think enough people have problems with magic as is, mostly due to a lack of anti-mages being built and rather people instead building to snuff out physical damage dealers.

Well, this is true. We'll see how this all pans out.
Spoops has brought up a true point. We'll hopefully see it how it all goes.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
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Okay, well, I'll be putting up a test version soon. None of the skill or item descriptions have been updated yet, just to see if this sticks, but here's how it will work.

- Evasion is now a global effect that functions at the same rate it does now.
- Evasion, the Rogue skill, improves your Evade for the purposes of Evasion by 6 per Rank.
- Lesser Evasion, the effect granted by In-Fighter Gi, improves the reduction of Evasion by UL (only if it's treated as Light Armor, and after the Light Armor reduction for Evasion.)
This should be interesting.

But I still think Rogues should get the same treatment of In-Fighter Gi, instead of an 'increased chance'. They already have Southern Wind and Eastern Wind to buff their overall Evade by a heck ton, and which is further increased by their other Promotion Classes skills.

A "Increases Evasion's damage reduction by 2% per Rank", and/or "At Rank 3, Light Armor's penalties are ignored (or halved)/ At Rank 5, Heavy Armor's penalties are ignored (or halved)." (May disregard Heavy Armor and make it only apply to Light Armor at a -50% penalty on rank 3 and -100% on rank 5, just a fleeting idea.) would make their unique Evasion skill more worth investing SP on, IMO.

oh boi im such a hypocrite, speaking of balance before something hits in
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I'd also like to note Boxer's Swaying needs to be looked at as well if evasion's gonna be for everyone now.
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