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RE: FLeeing Rules
There are NPC guards all over the place. Even if a battle OOCly takes an hour but a few minutes IC that is ample time for word to be sent to the mages guild to not let some random criminals just teleport away. One of the first things the guard would do is send word just be shouting to seal the exits.

Although I understand the idea of stopping the hero gangbang surely we gotta have some logic here? Like it's immersion breaking as fuck to just have a group of 4 people poof because they passed some flee roll in battle. A roll that is next to impossible to stop unless you've come packing specifically for it. It takes one person to successfully flee for the whole party to be safe. That seems a little silly to me.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
You presume the npc guards are the pinnacle of perfection, I'd argue most would try to aid in the capture and mookishly try to swarm around the fight. Npc guards aren't on the same level as 'taskforce' 'elite' player guards.

A player guard would have the authority to shut down the mage guild in empire territory.

Also one of the biggest issue with fleeing in general is the dysphoric punishment of basic antangonists in the game currently. Its practicall a death sentence if you get caught trying to minor non lethal antagonistic things because you'll get jailed if you don't flee, and you'll get jailed longer if you try to flee and fail, and you'll probably die if the hero's catch you.

Arguably only guard player characters should get flee chase bonuses in empire cities, non guards chasing non guards is vigilantism and would likely confuse the poor npc guards who might infact in their confusion try to arrest you while you chase the fleeing person.
Lolzy is correct; being a villain to stir up conflict, drama, or plot carries significantly more risk than trying to save the day.

In addition, the mage guild can be blocked, but there are other options ICly that aren’t available mechanically, such as:

-Sailing out of Sigrogana
-Digging holes/secret entrance and exit creation
-Illusions for distraction
-And more reasons I could list but won’t for the sake of brevity.

Saying an abstract way to escape isn’t ICly appropriate is itself not ICly conscious, as the game world can’t represent all options or variables.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
The flee rules as they are now do not really strike a new balance, and are going to be used in a way that is more OOC than IC unless individual fleeing becomes a priority. Until individual fleeing is implemented, there needs to be a way to mix OOC mechanics with IC logic. Regardless of whether heroes are able to gangbang villains in situations, the mess that was the grind group brings to light some problems with the rule.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
needs the mechanics changed incidentally; there's literally no way to stop someone from fleeing a fight if they have a certain cel+luc. can't chase someone past the edge of the map but you can 100% flee even if you're immobilized with 3 guys surrounding you
Joseph, this discussion is about the posted Fleeing Rules by Dyst in the forums. It’s not so much the mechanical aspect of fleeing from a battle, it’s the out-of-battle avoidance of combat altogether.

That being said, my issue lies in the most recent example of a group of 3-4 rules lawyering to escape a nigh-inescapable situation of 20 players opposing them and guards at their front, not to mention with little to no RP on their end to boot. I think the fleeing rules need a revision, especially after this situation.
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
If a group of 20+ players is unable to put together a team capable of beating four people, then there's really not much to complain about when they manage to escape. In this particular situation, the downed player was literally rescued (Curate skill) to the edge of the map. So, it makes sense that the group would be able to escape with him in tow.
It's not about putting together a team to stop them, it's the group of 4 tip-toeing the rules to get away with something they shouldn't have. So from what I'm seeing so far, Individual Fleeing and Mass Group Blocking is a thing that needs to be considered into the fleeing rules right?
"Can I get a hell yeah?"
Everyone's interpretation as to how escaping/fleeing a city is different. However, it's not unreasonable for a small group to escape such situations in this world.

First, there were guards already defeated, as well as other guards trying to get a handle on the situation and other people arriving on scene.

Second, there wasn't 20+ guards that have been perfectly trained for this situation, there were 20 players, individuals that may or may not have had the same training and wouldn't be able to fully cooperate with each other in this situation. If anything, having such a large mass of people would make it more advantageous to flee since there's more chaos incorporated into this situation letting anyone to be lost in a crowd.

Third, this is a fantasy setting with magic, skills, and unique abilities. Jumping several feet into the air, using light based attacks to cause a cacophony cover-up, using various utility magics, all of this is possible in being used as a escape method, yet over 1,000 people escape from police every year in a city with conventional methods.

Also, you have to think about real life a little more as well, since it was past midnight (for me) when we were dragged into these fights and battles in large groups commonly take a long time. Even with 1 minute turns a 3v3 still lasted more then 45+ minutes. It's a bit unreasonable to accommodate 20+ players past midnight for fighting purposes.
[Image: 2q2h99x.jpg]
If you have to rush due to real life, it should not be used as an excuse to botch up RP. Rescheduling is possible. If you're not willing to be open to rescheduling, then you either should start being open to it, or expect backlash. You being pressed for time is no excuse for rushed RP that you could have rescheduled.

Also, we assume they are capable in some form of getting in your way, you assume none are capable enough to stop you, so clearly there's no room for you to put that on us, because simply put, you assumed the other extreme. Most player characters have a degree of skill, so it is more likely they would be able to challenge your escape than not.

And in response to Yark. Pfft... Building a team OOCly, specifically for the purposes of destroying people. That's building to be meta, not building to be IC, and is terrible practice.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity

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