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Is This How We Fix Evasion?
Probably someone did a thing that broke the attack verb for everyone currently logged in at the time, since relogging/reboot fixed it.
It would help to know specifically what weapons and what enemies you are using when this happens.
Dev it was everyone online at the time, anyone who relogged or logged in after the ' event ' were fine, no one at all was affected after rebooting.

No one is sure what did it, m as the some one has th he time/day for you to look at the logs
Well, basic attack seems to be working a little wonky again, basic attack seems to make you deal magical damage with a physical damage weapon, however this does not apply to basic attack skills like Sidecut.

This was tested using a Longsword and a Setsuna, both deal magic damage on basic attack, but not on special skills

This is what I am currently observing, this might change on reboot for all I know.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I believe I know this bug, due to a recent screenshot that turned up, it changes your normal basic attack into a different weapon almost completely, it displays as your regular weapon but in actuality it could be something completely different, I've been able to use Ashe's Nobunaga for this very reason. (Which is a very cool weapon btw.)

It'll happen randomly on the reboot still, BUT this is definitely the source of the bug, basic attacks being magic damage likely mean your weapon turned into a tome per-say, and basic attacks just straight up not working at all probably meant it turned into an incompatible weapon and just fizzled out completely.

[Image: tyvmDNm.png]
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Any details? Does this only occur when using from the hotbar or does it affect the menu selected attacks too?
It effects both the hotbar and selected attacks, it never effects Sub-attack or special attack either, I also believe your weapon can turn into any other weapon, but gets very buggy if it becomes something like..a sword turning into a jackhammer, thus your basic attack fizzles out, I'll provide more details if another reboot bug pops up with my weapons, Ill try to see if I cant gather some debug info too.


After going into Debug it seems that I wasn't able to find anything pertaining to this, I'll post a screenshot anyway, attack was made with a regular shotgun with Jackhammer targetting.

[Image: KJGUN2g.png]
[Image: kU0xIVY.png]
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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