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[v.2.68] Avoid Eviter
Eviter means avoid. That's the joke in the title.

Eviter, even when toggled off, overwrites other parry skills. They overwrite their checks entirely, meaning if you have Eviter equipped...

Bullet Barrier? Bullet Avoider.
Know No Pain? Sorry, you're Avoiding No Pain.
Ring Of Pearls? Evasion only. Better Avoid those blows.
Ice Point Guard? I've run out of jokes

I tested this with Desperado's Bullet Barrier, and I only started triggering Bullet Barrier when I had unequipped Eviter. I had a weapon applicable to parry with Eviter, but naturally Eviter doesn't work on guns.

I'm posting this as a bug report because I have (admittedly vague) memories of multiple parry skills working where applicable.

If I can't parry with one parry skill, why can't I parry with the other? Considering Demon Hunter is home to two parry skills, it'd be awkward if they conflicted too - I'm almost sure they don't (please correct me). I can't see any reason why Eviter should intentionally work like this.
number 1 GTer EU
To my knowledge, Dev has acknowledged this is intentional behavior on several accounts.

If Eviter or Stalemate is equipped, then it prioritizes those, regardless of what you have on as another form of parry and they shouldn't be triggering. EVEN if they're valid for triggering said parrying.

Now whether or not it should work like that, I'unno. I can only mostly 100% confidently confirm this is intentional behavior from what my memory tells me.
The parries in DH are stance specific, and since you cannot be two stances at once, do not conflict - so this is not an issue for them.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
It prioritizes based on its position in the Skill Tree, I think.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I know back then when that was introduced I too was a bit sad about Eviter/IPG not really working together just by having them equipped even though they both function alot different and would work in different stages of the fight (IPG for general all around defense during activation time, Eviter for when you drop the IPG for offense or rather play with less buffing in that encounter.)
Alas it didn't quite work.

I do not think it be truly a problem if only one applicable skill can trigger per round regardless of successful roll or not. But given how most Parries cover different weaknesses it can be useful to slot two. Its weird that it sometimes flat-out nulls both. Though I too remember dev saying that he more or less had this on purpose?

Alas maybe his opinion changed as most Parries got significantly weaker now adays. *shrug* I'd like the option atleast.
At the very least, I think toggling Eviter off should stop it from like, making any checks at all??? So it doesn't overwrite parries when it isn't trying to parry anything. There's rarely any point in turning Eviter off anyway, and it isn't like this is terribly insane for balance, from what I can tell.
number 1 GTer EU
Since this was marked as solved, albeit wordlessly, I'll assume it isn't a bug. Here's a Balance Fu thread in favour of changing this unintuitive behaviour!
number 1 GTer EU

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