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[SUG] Home Field Advantage
With the addition of the new Trap system, people with a Custom Battlefield should be able to lay down hidden traps in the area that will carry over in some way to the battlefield. This would add to the possibility of RP fights where someone planned the fight ahead of time and was able to prepare. Possibly make it an additional option like furniture so they can turn it off for normal fights.

What I think the traps should do
Bear Trap: Flat damage
Skilled Bear Trap: Double damage of bear trap
Croc Bear Trap: Flat damage + 2 duration immobilize
Boar Bear Trap: Flat damage + Knockback like the Rogue Gust Trap skill
Pit Trap: Takes away 2 Momentum to escape from it
Skilled Pit Trap: As Pit Trap but more Momentum
Cat Pit Trap: FP Damage and loses Momentum to get out of the pit
Wyvern Pit Trap: As normal effect, + Momentum to get out of the pit
Oh I like this idea alot. Ambushes would actualy be possible to be played out this way.

I would perhaps give some sort of a chance for opponents to notice these traps, to add, some sort of mandatory spacing between them.

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