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Bonder Stuff: Fast Offense, Shared Pain
1. If you Fast Offense and summon a Youkai on turn 0, when the enemy is 'sneaking', the Youkai will end their turn without acting if they are not within range of their primary skill. This is likely because they're coded as the rest of the AI is.

2. Damage taken from shared pain is calculated without taking into account def/res reductions. It seems to cut the damage in half for the primary target, then subtract res/def from the remaining damage. The target taking damage from only shared pain will take half the damage without subtracting def/res of any sort. This results in the skill almost never making the Youkai and Bonder 'share the pain' equally.

Kilkenny and Quiet Armored Man have identical resistance of 28. Ruby beam is cast on both with shared pain up, however Quiet Armored Man has 5% earth resistance from Geomancy.

Cast 1: Target - Quiet Armored Man

Shared Pain! Quiet Armored Man and bonded allies share the pain!
Famine takes 34 Earth damage.
Quiet Armored Man takes 0 Earth damage.

Cast 2: Target - Kilkenny

Shared Pain! Famine and bonded allies share the pain!
Quiet Armored Man takes 29 Earth damage.
Famine takes 3 Earth damage.

The Ruby Beam would deal 68 damage on its own without shared pain and 0 resistance. One target takes 68/2 - Resistance, while the other just takes 68/2.
The same targets are both struck with needle, which does not have its damage changed by Resistance. In both cases, the Youkai and Bonder took 45 damage.

1. The easiest way to fix this would be to make shared pain's damage type reduced by defense and resistance when the incoming damage is not ignoring them (such as needle). This is probably not the best solution, however, because it makes defense and resistance much more effective while sharing pain. If this was used in the Ruby beam example, Famine(Kilkenny) would take 3 damage while Quiet Armored Man would take 0.

2. Take only the damage the primary target would take, after calculating def/res, then split it down the middle. No matter what, both the Youkai and Bonder would take the same damage ( Damage - Def/Res / 2 ). This is a fair approach, but will end up invalidating the defensive stat of the secondary target.

3. The damage taken is calculated for both the Bonder and the Youkai (defensive stats subtracted individually) then cut in half. To give an example of what I mean: If we have a Firefox with 10 Resistance bonded with a Bonder who has 50 resistance, striking the Fox with a 110 damage Ryemei will deal

110-10/2 damage to the fox, (50)
and 110-50/2 damage to the Bonder. (30)

The third option is the one I believe would work best.
If the damage of shared pain being unresistable for the secondary target is intended, I will move this to Balance Fu instead.
It is intended but I think Shared Pain was a bit too high up in the damage proc, so it wasn't being applied until after all other reductions, which it probably should be. Basically this means that the damage taken by both will be mostly evenish, and that there will be less '0 damage taken' for one target.

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