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Wormloop Gauss | Chimera Appearance
Applicable BYOND Key - Neverachiever
Character Name - Dr. Wormloop "Worm Extremities" Gauss. (Not a real doctor.) 
Request Type - Chimera appearance (+ minor abilities, I guess?!?)
Request Details - This is going to make me sound like a madman, but I want to make a bizarre chimera that is simultaneously very proud of his worminess, but also very wary of his spideriness. My concept is a surrealist version of the Jekyll & Hyde tale. He wishes to one day become a full-fledged worm and aerate all the soil of the world to make it a more fertile place for everybody, but the selfish, predatorial carnivore inside him has desires that run completely on the opposite current. His creator unknowingly gave him some pretty serious mental health issues by feeding him two things of drastically different natures, and much introspection on his appearance traits have created a pretty odd slew of mental processes. What I am here for is getting a check on those traits.
Specific Request - As a chimera, Worm was made on a diet of waste lauder and some species of arachnid monster. These are his mutations:
  • Chelicerae. Retractable spider teeth, pointy and sharp, but lacking any real venom -- although I've been enjoying the mental image of him being able to spritz some small amount of sandworm acid through them. They're normally hidden within his mouth (which is also normally taped) but they're a little too inconvenient, so whenever he opens his mouth enough, they spring out. 
  • Spider eyes, but not quite: instead of having eight eyes, he has eight irises and eight pupils, which... kind of float squished together in his sclera like frog eggs. They're mostly useless and don't offer much aside from slightly better-than-average eyesight, but I'm completely fine with making the extra irises/pupils entirely aesthetic.
  • Bug arms. They're functionally the same as a normal hand: five fingers, a normal palm, etc. The only difference is that his fingers are unnaturally long, thin and even a little sharp, and his arms are made of some skeletal chitinous material. Good for playing guitar and look really pretty when they're pointing at things... I guess...?
  • Segmented worm body. His torso/legs/arms are covered in thin, barely-visible lines like a worm's segments. They give him some degree of flexibility (think gymnast, or yoga practitioner) and good movement in water, dirt or sand, just like a real worm. Unlike a real worm, however, he wasn't built for this, so assume "good movement" just means he can happily frolick under the dirt a little better than your average weirdo, rather than being able to dig tunnels and swim underground.
  • Worm tail. It's just a barely-convenient black tail that resembles that of a worm, and... doesn't really do much other than convince himself that he is a worm. It can regrow if you cut it, but that's about it.
  • Please let him have lauder acid so he can digest dirt.
    All of these are just to spice up my interpretative journey. I don't really want or need any special abilities, just to make a character that looks weird as fuck.
Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) -
  1. Chimeras are cool, but the guidelines aren't very clear on how far you can push the weird.
  2. I love body horror.
  3. I want to push for something a little more bizarre to fit the "Adams Family member and the creepy butler" vibe me and a friend who's also joining have gone for in our talks.
  4. You'll see pigs flying before I make a normal character anywhere.
  5. I don't think these alterations provide significant, if any at all, advantages, fair or not. Some of them are more inconvenient for him than otherwise, and that's kind of the point! But I was told "weird mouths" are a bit of a you gotta ask for it thing, so here I am.
  6. I'm stubborn and I don't want to spend 30 hours looking for another faceclaim.......
Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
  • I'm fairly new to SL (although I have been here for a few months before!) so I'm not very familiar with what has or hasn't been done. But going through the Discord, the forums and some members, there have been enough bizarre-looking chimeras to make me think this is a pretty reasonable set of mutations. 
  • I think there have been spider chimeras before, and I know there have been some lauders and even a sitakatrin as well, but I have no idea what the players have done with them. I'm kind of hoping they were crazier than me so I can justify all of those requests.

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