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Ruler Automaton Energy Changes
After playing Ruler/Bonder, I found very little reason to use the Ruler summons despite it being beneficial to do so for my torso enchant at the time, mainly the problem I had is that the class takes far too long to set up and even when you do, the automatons feel like a pain in the ass to manage their resources with, a lot of the strength of the class is throwing out Rook Automaton and just letting it sit still and cover you while you set up, cause it doesn't really consume a lot of energy this way and can just sit still and chill, and let seal of fortunes power it up.

There should be more reason to use the other pieces, they're not efficient when it comes to energy because they consume it on every single action, it doesn't feel very good for a knight to sit on Seal of Fortunes for 4 rounds and then consume it all because they decided to use the 1m movement + Royal Fork + Threaten all in 1 turn. Likewise when an automaton runs out of energy and consumes it's seal of fortune its hard to come back from that, cause if you grant Seal of Fortune again its gonna consume the buff before the energy it grants on the next turn, it just means you can never fall below 1 energy if you wanna keep them up in a stable state.

I don't want the class to become overpowered by any means and what I am about to suggest nerfs the Rook automaton's playstyle a little bit, but it is kind of a necessity I feel like, so here is what I am proposing that automaton energy is changed to:

Quote:Ruler Automaton Energy Change

-Automatons are now changed to consume 1 energy per turn instead of per action.
-Automatons now require 1 automaton energy to perform certain signature skills. (Royal Fork, Threaten, Rookstar, Bladed Queen)
-Seal of Fortunes now gives 2 automaton energy when expiring early.

These 3 changes should make it so that it takes considerable energy to do the important things that the automatons are able to do, but also make it so that taking basic actions is a energy-neutral exchange when they are under the effects of Seal of Fortunes, additionally it also makes it so that if Seal of Fortunes does expire early and is  consumed for energy, it gives them a burst of energy to hopefully allow the Ruler to recover with.

I would play this class far more as a very chill experience if these changes were to be considered, thank you for reading as always.
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I don't think a global change like this is necessary, I actually like how it works right now. It's just a bit annoying and takes some getting used to but I find it fun. Instead of this I would rather have more ways to give the pieces energy without spending a whole 3m for one.

My first suggestion is to make all the 1m skills consume no energy.

Secondly, make it so if you don't use cruel enchant for an enchant skill you give them 1 energy. That would already help a lot.

But personally so far I haven't found energy to be the biggest issue with ruler. It's just a matter of keeping up the seal of fortunes and not wasting energy.

The bigger issue is the overall set up time. It's hard to point to a single issue with ruler because the problem is the sheer amount of things you need to do. Energy is one of those things. But on top of that you also need to dig, harvest, summon and upgrade. This is what really kills ruler.

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