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[v.2.90v2 Test Server] Autoignition and Airborne
This seems more like an oversight rather than a bug but just to be sure:

The 'Weapon Autocharge' from conversion gloves proccing their ability after taking electricity damage (most commonly with shock collar at the top of the round) actually causes the character to physically use the weapon charge skill for free when it triggers. Since weapon charge in itself isn't airborne compatible, this will immediately knock you out of the airborne that you might have ended the turn on in preparation for other skills like a next turn kestrel dive or making sure you have windstream's evasion bonus before your opponents start assaulting you, etc.
Upon further testing it seems that this version of automatically casted Weapon Charge goes even further and will not only cancel your airborne with its incompatibility but also keep you grounded even if you're /on top of an air shaft/ until you use another skill.

UPDATE: Since the autocharge manually casts Charge Weapon, it will now break invocations as soon as round starts.
This has been corrected in 2.90.

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