Arbalests can equip any Sword/Axe/Spear as a condition of having the Special Armanent skill, this however does not allow you to equip one of these weapons into your item belt despite applying for the condition.
I realize this may or may not actually be a bug given that Special Armanent only allows you to equip these weapons as sub-weapons and doesn't allow you to equip these weapons in general, but given that 90% of arbalest cannot be used without a Bow or a Rifle, I can't see this being a harmful issue to fix. (and im strapped enough on talent points as is)
I realize this may or may not actually be a bug given that Special Armanent only allows you to equip these weapons as sub-weapons and doesn't allow you to equip these weapons in general, but given that 90% of arbalest cannot be used without a Bow or a Rifle, I can't see this being a harmful issue to fix. (and im strapped enough on talent points as is)