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[2.95d] Minor shuriken and related oddities
Status shuriken don't gain increased attack size from crash potions, despite being a supported type (daggers). I've also noticed this with mutated crossbows (bow->fist), which is a little strange since the reverse doesn't work either, such as mutated labrys (polearm->bow).

Status shuriken can also pass through water wall, along with libegrand.
Water Wall doesn't prevent basic attacks in general. Libegrande, like Vydel and Wind Slasher, is a line spell, not a projectile.

Crash pot interactions have been jank for a little while though. Most ranged weapons that are considered 'ranged' by default (shurikens) and mutated weapons are exempt. Crash pot description should likely be updated if it isn't changed.
I vaguely remembered my handguns getting blocked before, but I tried just now and they didn't, so I suppose I was just mistaken on that part.

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