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v2.95d Item Belt Weapon not behaving properly when you change equipment
If you put a weapon in your item belt, then change anything about your normal equipment such as an accessory, the inventory will show the weapon as still being in your item belt... but the next time you go into a fight, the game will act as if it's not there. You won't get the option to swap your weapon.

Once the fight ends, the inventory's item belt section shows the weapon has been unequipped, it just doesn't tell you before that.

I can't tell if the bug here is that it doesn't inform you it's been unequipped when you change accessories, or if the bug is the item belt weapon being unequipped when you change accessories at all. But either way, just bringing that up.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
Just to add to this report:

The problem with one's belt weapon being unequipped (yet not being properly displayed on one's belt) also occurs if one switches their classes at all.

A belt weapon being automatically unequipped on accessory / class switch *almost* feels intentional to me, and it instead feels like it just isn't being updated and displayed properly within the inventory. With that said, I also can't really wrap my head around as to why it would be intended if it is?

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